International Social Science Council
Type of Structure: committee / commission
Regional Scope: global
Parent Organisations:
Child Organisations: FutureEarth, IGU
No more in operation: IHDP
Duration : 1952 to present
Contact Address: no office contact defined

holding an official function in ISSC

General information and objectives

ISSC has advisory and consultative status to the UN, intergovernmental relations with MAB and the United Nations University (UNU) and non-governmental links with ICSU and the International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study (IFIAS)
General aims are to advance the social sciences throughout the world and their application to the major problems of the day and develop cooperation between the social sciences at the international level.

In 1988 the ISSC established a Standing Committee on the International Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (IHDP) which prepared a framework for research in HDP subsequently endorsed by the General Assembly of ISSC in 1990.

The Council’s role is to advance the practice and use of the social and behavioural sciences in all parts of the world, and to ensure their global representation. This involves:
  • An overview of the quality and development of the constituent sciences
  • Action to stimulate their growth
  • Work to ensure their utilisation and relevance to the problems of humankind; such promotion includes, wherever possible, the assistance of policy development at international and national levels, and the use of high quality social science research to further economic well-being and quality of life in all parts of our globe.

  • In fulfilling this role the ISSC acts as a catalyst, mobiliser and co-ordinator of social sciences across disciplines, domains, and national cultures, bringing together social science researchers, scholars, funders and policy makers from all parts of the globe.

    For further details, link to the ISSC Home Page

    Last update: 4/27/22
    Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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