Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences
Schweizer Stiftung für die Forschung in den Sozialwissenschaften
Fondation suisse pour la recherche en sciences sociales
Type of Structure: network / framework activity
Regional Scope: national in the area: Switzerland / Europe
Parent Organisations: SNF
Child Organisations:
Duration : 2008 to present
Contact Address: no office contact defined

holding an official function in FORS

General information and objectives


The Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences FORS was created in accordance to the law on research of the Federal Government. Its purpose is to provide services, to conduct research and to publish and disseminate research findings in the social sciences.

The Foundation's activities specifically comprise the following:
  • preparing, documenting and providing data of all kinds, such as are needed to conduct studies in the social sciences;

  • advising researchers and other interested parties on the collection and use of data;

  • developing methods and procedures for collecting and analysing data;

  • promoting the application of the findings obtained.

The Foundation's responsibilities also include cooperation with institutions that pursue similar objectives, whether in Switzerland or abroad.

FORS integrates infrastructures and research projects dating from the time prior to its founding, among them the Swiss Household Panel, the Swiss Electoral Studies Selects and the Social Report. In future, these will be products of FORS along with the activities of what used to be the Swiss Information and Data Archive Service for the Social Sciences (SIDOS). By concentrating all these activities at the University of Lausanne, which is the Foundation's host institution, the Federal Government intends to create a national centre of expertise for data management and methodological research in the social sciences.

For further details, link to the FORS Home Page

Last update: 4/27/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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