Robinson Christopher Thomas

Effects of experimental flooding on a regulated stream along a longitudinal gradient (river Spöl, Swiss National Park)

Project Number: CH-1812
Project Type: Master
Project Duration: 01/01/2001 - 12/31/2001 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Project Leader: PD Dr. Christopher Thomas Robinson
Fliessgewässerökologie, Fliessgewässersysteme
Aquatische Ökologie (ECO)
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Phone: +41 (0) 58 765 53 17 ; +41 (0) 58 765 51 32
FAX: +41 (0) 58 765 53 15
e-Mail: christopher.robinson(at)

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:

hydrology, limnology, glaciology
environmental sciences
general biology


Compare the changes in ecological factors (pH, temperature, turbidity, stream morphology, changes in macroinvertebrate community, recolonization speed, biological activity and drift quantities) at different sites along a longitudinal gradient along the Spöl over time.
Investigate changes in size of a crustacean, Gammarus sp., from 1999 (before the first floods) to 2001.

Jakob C, Robinson CT, Uehlinger U 2003: Longitudinal effects of experimental floods on stream benthos downstream from a large dam. Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 65: 223-231. EAWAG Dübendorf. Birkhäuser Verlag. ISSN 1015-1621

Jakob C 2001: The effects of artificial floods on the ecology of a regulated river (The River Spöl, Swiss National Park). Diplomarbeit, EAWAG & Departement Biologie ETH Zürich

Robinson, C.T. and U Uehlinger. 2008. Experimental floods cause ecosystem regime shift in a regulated river. Ecological Applications 18:511-526.

Mannes, S., C.T. Robinson, U. Uehlinger, T. Scheurer, J. Ortlepp, U. Mürle, and P. Molinari. 2008. Ecological effects of a long-term flood program in a flow-regulated river. Journal of Alpine Ecology 1: 113-134.

Larned, S., T Datry, and C.T. Robinson. 2007. Invertebrate and microbial responses to inundation in an ephemeral river reach in New Zealand: effects of preceding dry periods. Aquatic Sciences: Research Across Boundaries 69: 554-567.

Robinson, C. T., S. Aebischer and U. Uehlinger. 2004. Immediate and habitat-specific responses of macroinvertebrates to sequential experimental floods. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23: 853-867.

Last update: 12/23/16
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-1812

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