Scheurer Thomas

Experimental Floods in River Spöl (Swiss National Park)
Künstliche Hochwasser im Spöl (Schweizerischer Nationalpark)

Project Number: CH-2219
Project Type: Coordinating_Project
Project Duration: 01/01/2000 - 12/31/2010 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Project Leader: Dr. Thomas Scheurer
Ehemaliger Geschäftsführer ICAS Und FOK-SNP
Pappelweg 10
3053 Münchenbuchsee
Phone: +41 79 22 88 152
e-Mail: thomas.scheurer(at)

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:
Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege

environmental sciences
hydrology, limnology, glaciology
engineering sciences

Hydropower plants; reservoirs; energy production; residual flow; disturbance; riverine ecosystems;
Switzerland; flow regime

Between 2000 to 2002, 11 experimental floods were released from 2 reservoirs separating different regulated segments of the Spöl River in the Swiss National Park. The riverbed of the Spöl had been altered substantially by regulated flows since energy production started in 1970. This 3-year experiment aimed to test whether an annual flood regime could restore riverine dynamics to this regulated river and, if so, how the floods must be managed in respect to a minimal but regular flow disturbance required to maintain riverine dynamics in a near natural state. The study involved a number of institutions controlling operational, economical, legal and ecological matters related to the floods, and was planned underthe constraint that the floods would result in no increase in total water release during each year and no loss in total energy production. Concomitant cross-disciplinary environmental studies monitored the diverse impacts of each flood on the respective regulated segments. The various results, suggest that one or two annual high flows may be sufficient to enhance and sustain the ecological integrity of the Spöl over the long term.


Task-Force Spöl. Schlussbericht Umweltumfall Spöl 2013.
pdf Bericht

Robinson C, Uehlinger U, Monaghan MT 2004: Stream ecosystem response to multiple experimental floods from a reservoir. River Research ans Applications 20: 359 377

Jakob C, Robinson CT, Uehlingen U 2003: Longitudinal effects of experimentalö floods on stream benthos downstream from a large dam. Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 65: 223-231. EAWAG Dübendorf. Birkhäuser Verlag. ISSN 1015-1621

Mürle U, Ortlepp J, Zahner M 2003: Effects of experimental flooding on riverine morphology, structure an riparian vegetation: The River Spöl, Swiss National Park. Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 65: 191-198. EAWAG Dübendorf. Birkhäuser Verlag. ISSN 1015-1621

Ortlepp J, Mürle U 2003: Effects of experimental flooding on brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.): The River Spöl, Swiss National Park. Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 65: 232-238. EAWAG Dübendorf. Birkhäuser Verlag. ISSN 1015-1621

Robinson CT, Uehlinger U 2003: Using artificial fkloos for restoring river integrity. Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 65: 181-182. EAWAG Dübendorf. Birkhäuser Verlag. ISSN 1015-1621

Robinson CT, Uehlingen U, Monaghan M 2003: Effects of multi-year experimental floos regime on macro-invertebrates downstream of a reservoir. Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 65: 210-222. EAWAG Dübendorf. Birkhäuser Verlag. ISSN 1015-1621

Scheuer Th, Molinari P 2003: Experimental floods in teh River Spöl, Swiss National Park: Framework, objectives, design. Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 65: 183-190. EAWAG Dübendorf. Birkhäuser Verlag. ISSN 1015-1621

Uehlinger U, Kawecka B, Robinson CT 2003: Effects of experimental floos of periphyton stream metabolism below a high dam in the Swiss Alps (River Spöl). Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 65: 199-209. EAWAG Dübendorf. Birkhäuser Verlag. ISSN 1015-1621

Ruiz-Villanueva, V. , Gubler, S. (2024): Flüsse brauchen Hochwasser und Raum... auch ausserhalb von Staudämmen - Der Spöl: ein Pionier-Gewässer für den Einsatz ökologischer Hochwasser. pdf publication

Last update: 8/12/24
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-2219

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