Wipf Sonja

Erfassung und Monitoring von Pflanzenarten nationaler Priorität und Glazialrelikten im Nationalpark

Project Number: CH-6759
Project Type: Permanent/Monitoring_Project
Project Duration: 05/18/2020 - 12/31/2030
Funding Source: other ,
Leading Institution: SNP, InfoFlora, SLF/WSL (co-Lead)
Project Leader: Dr. Sonja Wipf
Head of Research and Monitoring
Forschung und Monitoring
Schweizerischer Nationalpark
Chastè Planta-Wildenberg
Runatsch 124
7530 Zernez
Phone: +41 (0) 81 851 41 29
e-Mail: sonja.wipf(at)nationalpark.ch

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

general biology

The Swiss National Park and surrounding areas harbours about 40 plant species of national priority and glacial relicts. Information about sites and populations are patchy and non-systematic. Over the next years, we intensify surveys, monitoring and research into these species. We want to survey known populations of all target species with no recent information, detail the population sizes and extents of particular priority species using the PopCount method, find new populations of certain target species by prospective modelling, and improve our knowledge on the habitat requirements by assessing fine-scale habitat characteristics in relation to plant vitality parameters. In the future, we would like to use this improved knowledge on habitat characteristics to refine the prospective modelling at the population level and to project potential future threats.

Juillerat R. (2021). How do interanual differences in Ranunculus pygmaeus growth relate to climate?. Bachelor-Thesis. ETH Zürich. pdf Bachelorarbeit

Aeschbach S.(2021). Prioritätsarten im Schweizerischen Nationalpark - Abschlussbericht 2021. Schweizerischer Nationalpark. pdf Report

Adamo, M., Sousa, R., Wipf, S. et al. (2022): Dimension and impact of biases in funding for species and habitat conservation. Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109636. pdf article

Last update: 12/19/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-6759

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