Baur Priska

Forest expansion in the Swiss Alps: A quantitative analysis of bio-physical and socio-economic causes with an emphasis on structural change in agriculture
Waldausdehnung im Schweizer Alpenraum: eine quantitative Analyse naturräumlicher und sozioökonomischer Ursachen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Agrarstrukturwandels

Project Number: 4048-064360
Project Type: Dissertation
Project Duration: 03/01/2002 - 02/28/2005 project completed
Funding Source: SNSF ,
Project Leader: Dr. Priska Baur

Phone: +41 (0) 62 865 63 78

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agricultural sciences


Abstract: Forest expansion in the Swiss Alps: A quantitative analysis of bio-physical and socio-economic causes with an emphasis on structural change in agriculture (Project WaSAlp) [Priska Baur, Peter Bebi, Ruedi Boesch, Gillian Rutherford, Mario Gellrich, (English)]

Concept The general research question being examined during the span of the project WaSAlp (Waldausdehnung im Schweizer Alpenraum) is: How can we explain the pattern of land abandonment and forest expansion during the last decades with the help of newly available large quantitative datasets? Our target is to determine the relevant bio- physical and socio-economic causes of land abandonment and forest expansion and to quantify their relative impact. There are three disciplinary aspects of the theoretical base of the project: - Agricultural economics: It is a basic outcome of economic production and location theory that production decisions depend on marginal yields and costs. Further, from labour allocation theory it follows that structural change and land abandonment are determined by the opportunity cost of labour. Nevertheless, we lack a consistent explanation of land abandonment founded on contemporary concepts of agricultural economics as well as a quantitative analysis of land abandonment in the Swiss Alps between ca. 1950 and 2000. There is also a research gap concerning policies to handle land abandonment. Of particular interest are the allocative effects of existing agricultural policy measures which are designed as factor subsidies for land. - Vegetation dynamics: Based on various studies of vegetation dynamics and the invasion of trees after abandonment of agriculture land, we know that forest succession is highly site specific. Yet, we know little about tree invasion pattern across multiple gradients of biophysical site factors and land-use history and the time lag between land abandonment and measured forest expansion, dependent on land-use history and site conditions. - Spatial modelling: Traditionally, GIS modelling has been used in combination with either bio-physical or socio-economic data alone. GIS modelling approaches with both bio-physical and socio-economic data is a challenge because of the problem of integrating data of different types and scales. Two complementary database-approaches for different spatial and temporal scales are being employed in order to answer our research question: total area approach (TAA) and repeated aerial photograph approach in selected areas (RAPAS). In the TAA approach data sets covering the Swiss Alps (IHG Regions) are employed. These data sets include spatially extended data on forest expansion and spatially explicit socio-economic and bio-physical explanatory variables. In the RAPAS-approach we investigate forest ex- pansion in selected case study areas at a higher spatial resolution and over a longer time period. An important implementation activity consists in the journalistic accompaniment of the project by the free-lance journalist Dipl. Ing.-Agr. ETH Claudia Schreiber. First Results and Further Expected Results Initial results imply that modelling with bio-physical variables at a hectare resolution and socio-economical variables at the community level can be performed and reveal useful results. Cost and yield related variables (e.g. slope, distance to roads) have more influence on land abandonment and forest expansion than agricultural structure and its change related variables (e.g. rate of change of number of farms between 1939 and 1985) and opportunity cost of labour related variables (e.g. rate of change of population, labour force participation rate 1980). Further, we have established a project homepage The project will enable us to localise sites in the Swiss Alps where land abandonment and forest expansion could be a problem. It enhances the understanding of the underlying cause-effect relationships between forest expansion and its bio-physical and socio-economic causes. By making these drivers transparent, the project contributes to an improved decision basis for rational policy. Assessing the relevance of structural change in agriculture allows the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural policy with respect to maintaining open landscapes in the Alps. In addition, the project gives first empirical indications about the impact of the new agricultural policy in Switzerland (since 1993) on the cultivation of marginal lands. The expected findings will be significant for the understanding of land-use changes in the Alps and may have important implications for policy design: As bio-physical and socio-economic conditions vary widely within the Alps, centrally planned policy measures hardly correspond with local bio-physical and socio-economic characteristics. The necessary knowledge for designing target-oriented and efficient measures to avoid land abandonment and forest expansion might therefore rather be found at the local level. This suggests consequences for the institutional setting, in particular a shift of competences, finances, and responsibilities from the Federal level to the cantons and municipalities. Networking Contacts are established to the following persons (institutions, programmes): - Prof. Dr. H. Bugmann, ETH Zürich (vegetation dynamics), Jacqueline Bolli - Prof. Dr. Barbara Koch, Uni Freiburg, referent of PhD student Mario Gellrich (remote sensing) - Prof. Dr. P. Edwards, ETH Zürich, referent of PhD student Gillian Rutherford (vegetation) - Dr. Andreas Lüscher, FAL and Dorothea Kampmann (cultivation intensity) - Dr. Paul Harpes, Uni Zürich (spatial econometrics) - Dr. Janine Bolliger, PD Dr. Felix Kienast (BIOSCENE landscape changes) - Dr. Niklaus Zimmermann (co-referent of PhD students Gillian Rutherford and Mario Gellrich), Jacqueline Gehrig-Fasel, WSL (modelling and vegetation)
On-site Research Places In coordination with other NFP 48 projects and with ongoing partner projects, we aim to select three or four areas for the repeated aerial photograph-approach. The main criteria governing the selection of the case study areas are (a) degree of forest expansion between 1985 and 1997 (> or < 4% based on the national Arial Statistics); (b) degree of structural change in the agricultural sector (represented by the annual average change in the number of ‘fulltime farms’ since 1985 > or < 3%). The availability of high quality aerial and terrestrial photographs serve in determining where within a community our finer scale analyses will focus. Two communities have been selected so far with analyses commencing in Autumn 2003: - Tujetsch - This community comprises 134 km2 of which, as at 1997, 1342ha were classified as forest and bush/scrubland. This represented a 7.5% increase since 1985. In the same period, land used for agricultural purposes (as defined by the 1979/85 Areal Statistic) reduced by 6.7%. Here there was an average annual decrease of 2.6% in ‘fulltime farms’ between 1939 and 1985. - Soazza - This much smaller community is 46.5km2 in area. Between 1983 and 1995, forest and bush/scrubland increased by 5.3% and agricultural land decreased by 10.7%. Fulltime farms decreased annually, on average, 8.0% between 1939 and 1985.

Leading questions:
Wie dehnt sich der Wald in den Schweizer Alpen aus?

Poster: Project WaSAlp: Forest expansion in the Swiss Alps [Priska Baur, (English)]
Poster: Project WaSAlp: Forest Expansion in the Swiss Alps. [Gellrich, M. & Rutherford, G., (English)]

Baur P. (9. September 2004) Sind Stürme im Wald eine wirtschaftliche Katastrophe? Wenn die Reaktionen malträtierter Märkte brutaler sind als die Naturgewalten, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Internatio- nale Ausgabe, Zürich, 19.
Baur P. (2004) Der Wald kommt zurück. Tujetsch, Poster, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. (2004) Die Landwirtschaft geht – der Wald kommt, in: Montagna, 4, 12–14.
Baur P. (2005) Il bosco ritorna. Soazza, Poster, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. (2005) Der Wald kommt zurück. Blitzingen, Poster, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. (2005) Der Wald kommt zurück. Eggiwil, Poster, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. (2006) WaSAlp – Waldausdehnung im Schweizer Alpenraum: eine quantitative Analyse naturräumlicher und sozio-ökonomi- scher Ursachen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Agrarstrukturwandels, Zusammenfassung Schlussbericht, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. (2006) Die Rückkehr des Waldes im südlichen Alpenraum der Schweiz: Hintergründe eines Landschaftswandels, in: Agrar- wirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie, 2, 3–26.
Baur P. WaSAlp, ein NFP48-Forschungsprojekt, WaSAlp Blatt 1, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. Flurnamen in der Gemeinde Tujetsch, WaSAlp Blatt 2, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. Alpen und Maiensässe im Tujetsch anno 1800 und 1900, WaSAlp Blatt 3, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. Wald und Maiensässe in Leissigen, WaSAlp Blatt 4, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P. Die Waldausdehnung im Gesetz, WaSAlp Blatt 8, WSL, Bir- mensdorf.
Baur P. Einige Muster der Waldausdehnung auf Parzellenstufe, WaSAlp Blatt 12, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P., Bebi P., Gellrich M., et al. (2006) WaSAlp – Waldausdehnung im Schweizer Alpenraum. Eine quantitative Analyse naturräumlicher und sozio-ökonomi- scher Ursachen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Agrarstrukturwandels, Schlussbericht zu Handen des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Baur P., Gellrich M., Bebi P. (2005) Die Rückkehr des Waldes als Wohlstandsphänomen, in: Bündner Wald, 4, 57–61.
Baur P., Moser T. (2005) Waldausdehnung – Ein Thema für Gemeinden?, in: Bünd- ner Wald, 4, 62–64.
Bebi P., Baur P. (2002) Forest expansion in the Swiss Alps: A quantitative analysis of bio-physical and socio-economic causes, in: Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 119, (3–4), 217–230.
Bebi P., Baur P. (2005) Rückkehr des Waldes im Berggebiet – und im National- park?, in: Cratschla, 2, 14–15.
Bolliger J., Kienast F., Soliva R., et al. (2007) Spatial sensitivity of species habitat distribution patterns to scenarios of land-use change (Switzerland), in: Land- scape Ecology, 22, 773–789.
Gellrich M., Baur P., Koch B., et al. (2007) Agricultural land abandonment and natural forest re-growth in the Swiss mountains: A spatially explicit economic analy- sis, in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 118, 93–108.

Gellrich M., Baur P., Robinsona B. H., et al. (in press) Combining classification tree analyses with interviews to study why sub-alpine grasslands sometimes revert to forest: a case study from the Swiss Alps, in: Agricultural Systems.
Gellrich M., Baur P., Zimmermann N. (2004) Land abandonment and natural regeneration of forest in the Swiss mountains: A spatial econometric analysis, Pos- ter, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Gellrich M., Baur P., Zimmermann N. (2006) Natural forest regrowth as a proxy variable for agricultural land abandonment in the Swiss mountains: a spatial statis- tical model based on geophysical and socio-economic variables, in: Environ Model Assess, 4, 57–61.
Gellrich M., Baur P., Zimmermann N. (submitted) Natural regeneration of forest in the Swiss mountains: Investigating pattern and causes on different spatial and temporal scales, in: Landscape and Urban Planning.
Gellrich M., Zimmermann N. (2007) Investigating the regional-scale pattern of agricultural land abandonment in the Swiss mountains: A spatial statistical modelling approach, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, 79, 65–76.
Rutherford G. (2006) The use of land-use statistics to investigate large-scale suc- cessional processes, Dissertation, ETH, Zürich. Rutherford G., Zimmermann N., Bebi P. (2004) Modelling Land Cover Change in the Swiss Alps: scenarios for forest expansion on abandoned agricultural land, Pos- ter, WSL, Birmensdorf.
Schreiber C. (10. Februar 2004) Der Wald ist auf dem Vormarsch: Grotzli, Zitterpappeln und Alpenerlen auf Leissiger Weiden, in: Zeitung im Mikrokos- mos Jungfrau, 7.
Schreiber C. (31. Juli 2004) Der Wald auf dem Vormarsch. Wo die Nutzer kein Auskom- men mehr haben, verschwinden Kulturlandschaften, in: NZZ Online.
Schreiber C. (2004) Der Wald auf dem Vormarsch – Wo liegen die Ursachen?, in: Bündner Bauer, 4, 19–22.
Schreiber C. (2004) Einige Betrachtungsweisen der Waldausdehnung: Zum For- schungsprojekt WaSAlp, Waldausdehnung im Schweizer Alpenraum, in: Bündner Monatsblatt, 1, 63–72.
Schreiber C. (2004) WaSalp, in prject d perscrutaziun sur dall’extensiun digl uaul, in: La Tuatschina Nr. 1.
Schreiber C. (2004) Die Rückkehr des Waldes – Gedanken zur Waldausdehnung im Schweizer Alpenraum, in: natur + mensch, 2, 10–15.
Schreiber C. (2004) Waldausdehnung in der Schweiz. Welches sind die Ursa- chen?, in: Wald und Holz, 5, 55–57.
Schreiber C. (2005) Über die Muster der Verwaldung, in: Bündnerwald, 4, 65–68.
Schreiber C. (2006) Zur Waldausdehnung im Misox, in: Die Alpen, 1, 26–28.

Source of Information: NF Import 2002

Last update: 2/1/08
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-64360

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