Olivier Ejderyan

Dr. Olivier Ejderyan
Group leader Society and Innovation
Society and Innovation
Department of Food System Sciences
Ackerstrasse 113
CH-5070 Frick

E-mail: olivier.ejderyan(at)fibl.org

Additional functions:
Member of the executive board of the SAGUF

Key Publications of Olivier Ejderyan (up to ten) :
Buletti, N., Ruef, F., Ejderyan, O. (2022): Letting the political dimension of participation in river restoration have its space. In Cottet, M., Morandi, B., Piégay, H. (eds.) River Restoration: Political, Social, and Economic Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell, London, 169-188

Buletti, N., Ejderyan, O. (2021): When experts feel threatened – Strategies of depoliticization in participatory river restoration projects, Area 53 (1), 151-160

Ruef, F., Ejderyan O. (2021): Rowing, steering or anchoring? Public values for geothermal energy governance. Energy Policy 158, 112577

Cuppen, E., Ejderyan, O., Pesch, U., Spruit, S., van de Grift, E., Correljé, A., Taebi, B., (2020): When controversies cascade: Analysing the dynamics of public engagement and conflict in the Netherlands and Switzerland through “controversy spillover” Energy Research & Social Science 68, 101593

Ejderyan, O., Ruef, F., Stauffacher, M. (2020): The entanglement of top-down and bottom-up: socio- technical innovation pathways of geothermal energy in Switzerland. Journal of Environment and Development. 29 (1), 99-122

Pearce B.J., Ejderyan O. (2020): Joint problem framing as reflexive practice: Honing a transdisciplinary skill. Sustainability Science 15 (3), 683-698

Ejderyan, O., Ruef, F., Stauffacher, M. (2019): Geothermal energy in Switzerland: Highlighting the role of context. In Pellizzone, A., Manzella, A., Allansdottir, A. (eds.) Geothermal Energy and Society. Springer, Cham, 239-257

Ejderyan O., Schneider, F., Bornemann, B., Kläy, A. (2019): How social sciences and humanities can contribute to transformative science. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 28 (2), 160–162

Ejderyan, Olivier. 2009. Une renaturation en béton ! Comprendre la participation et la nature dans les renaturations de cours d'eau suisses au regard d'une théorie de la pratique. Schriftenreihe Humangeographie, Bd. 24. Zurich, GIUZ.

Ejderyan, Olivier. 2007. "Technology." In, Paul Robbins (ed.). Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol. 5. Thousand Oaks, London. Sage Publications: 1708-1714.

Expertise of Olivier Ejderyan:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Energy Working GroupTechnology
Social Dimension

Specialties of Olivier Ejderyan:
Socio-technical aspects of the energy transition, food systems transformation and ecological restorations.
Focus on the socio-political aspects of subterranean technologies (geothermal energy, CCS, heat storage), carbon farming, river management
Public participation in the implementation of environmental project
The role of expertise in environmental decision-making

Last update: 11/18/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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