Xenia Junge

Ms. Xenia Junge
Co-founder, Co-director
Dialog N GmbH
Seestrasse 121
CH-8610 Uster

Phone: +41 79 824 6661
E-mail: xenia.junge(at)dialog-n.ch
URL Institution: dialog-n.ch

Key Publications of Xenia Junge (up to ten) :
Junge, X.; Hunziker, M.; Bauer, N.; Arnberger, A.; Olschewski, R. 2019: Invasive Alien Species in Switzerland: Awareness and Preferences of Experts and the Public. Environmental Management 63: 80-93 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-018-1115-5

von Lindern, E., Knoth, R., & Junge, X., 2019: Akzeptanz, Identifikation und Engagement: Ansichten und Mitwirkung der Bevölkerung in UNESCO Biosphärenreservaten (AkIdEn). Bern & Wien: Forum Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke - Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT) & Österreichisches Nationalkomitee für das UNESCO-Programm “Man and the Biosphere”.

Junge, X., 2016. Bevölkerung, Landwirte und Biodiversität: Wahrnehmung und Realität. Hotspot 34: 18-19.

Bolliger, J.; Junge, X.; Wülser, G.; Pohl, C.; Vaupel, A.; Gugerli, F., et al., 2015. Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Zusammenarbeit Praxis-Wissenschaft – ein Erfahrungsbericht. Défis et opportunités de la collaboration entre science et pratique: compte rendu d’expérience. N+L inside 2/15: 24-28.

Knoth, R. Bosshard, A., Junge, X., 2015: Wie sind Landwirte und Landwirtschaftsexperten zur neuen Agrarpolitik eingestellt? Agrarforsch. Schweiz 6, 3: 110–117.

Junge, X., Schüpbach, B., Walter, T., Schmid, B., Lindemann-Matthies, P., 2015. Aesthetic quality of agricultural landscape elements in different seasonal stages in Switzerland. Landscape and Urban Planning 133: 67–77.

Junge, X.; Hunziker, M., 2013: Serie AlpFUTUR: Funktionen der Alpwirtschaft aus Sicht der Bevoölkerung. Agrarforsch. Schweiz 4, 6: 272-279.

Junge, X., Lindemann-Matthies, P., Hunziker, M., Schüpbach, B., 2011. Aesthetic preferences of non-farmers and farmers for different land-use types and proportions of ecological compensation areas in the Swiss lowlands. Biological Conservation 144: 1430-1440.

Lindemann-Matthies, P., Briegel, R., Schüpbach, B., Junge, X., 2010. Aesthetic preference for a Swiss alpine landscape: The impact of different agricultural land-use with different biodiversity. Landscape and Urban Planning 98: 99-100.

Lindemann-Matthies, P., Junge, X., Matthies, D. 2010. The influence of plant diversity on people's perception and aesthetic appreciation of grassland vegetation. Biological Conservation 143: 195-202

Specialties of Xenia Junge:
Development of target-group oriented communication concepts
Coaching and supervision of environmental communication measures and concepts
Conception, implementation, evaluation of projects in the domain of environmental- and social sciences, e.g. increasing the acceptance of environmentally relevant behavior
Studies on preferences for invasive species, biodiversity

Last update: 9/2/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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