Ralph Straumann

Dr. Ralph Straumann
GIS Specialist

URL Institution: www.ebp.ch
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Ralph Straumann (up to ten) :
Graham M, Straumann RK & Hogan B, forthcoming, Digital divisions of labour and informational magnetism: Mapping participation in Wikipedia. Annals of the Association of American Geographers

Leiss I, Straumann R & Meyer R, 2015, Nachhaltige Verfügbarkeit und Archivierung von Geodaten. Konzeptstudie zur koordinierten Umsetzung bei Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden. SIK-GIS/CSI-SIG

Straumann RK, Çöltekin A & Andrienko G, 2014, Towards (re)constructing narratives from georeferenced photographs through visual analytics. The Cartographic Journal, 51(2): 152–165

Graham M, Hogan B, Straumann RK & Medhat A, 2014, Uneven geographies of user-generated information: Patterns of increasing informational poverty. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(4): 746–764

Straumann RK, 2013, The Swiss GIS community in the virtual space (in German, French and Italian; not refereed). Geomatik Schweiz, 111(8): 441–448

Logean A, Lavrovsky O, Straumann RK & Gassner P, 2012, Sustainability through open data: Examples from Switzerland. Proceedings of EnviroInfo 2012, Dessau, Germany

Straumann RK & Purves RS, 2011, Computation and elicitation of valleyness. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 11(2): 178–204

Straumann RK, 2010, Extraction and characterisation of landforms from Digital Elevation Models: Fiat parsing the elevation field. PhD thesis, University of Zurich, Department of Geography

Straumann RK & Korup O, 2009, Quantifying postglacial sediment storage at the mountain-belt scale. Geology, 37(12): 1079–1082

Straumann RK, 2009, Experiences in developing landform ontologies (extended abstract). In Purves RS, Gruber S, Hengl T & Straumann RK (eds): Proceedings of Geomorphometry 2009, 17–21

Straumann RK & Purves RS, 2008, Delineation of valleys and valley floors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5266, 320–336

Specialties of Ralph Straumann:
VGI, user-generated content, crowdsourcing, new media, social media, social network analysis, GIS, cartography, transport, traffic, planning, digital terrain modelling, landform analysis, topographic analysis, digital elevation models, LiDAR data, visualization, natural hazard modelling

Last update: 8/28/17
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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