Pierre Lanari

Prof. Pierre Lanari
Research Assistant
Institut für Geologie
Universität Bern
Baltzerstrasse 1+3
CH-3012 Bern

Phone: +41 (0) 31 631 87 71
Phone2: +41 (0) 31 684 87 81
E-mail: pierre.lanari(at)geo.unibe.ch
URL Institution: www.geo.unibe.ch/
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Pierre Lanari (up to ten) :
Duesterhoeft, E. & Lanari, P. (2020). Iterative thermodynamic modelling – Part 1: A theoretical scoring technique and a computer program (BINGO-ANTIDOTE). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 38, 527-551.

Vho, A., Lanari, P., Rubatto, D. (2019). An internally-consistent database for oxygen isotope fractionation between minerals. Journal of Petrology, 60, 2101–2130.

Lanari, P. & Duesterhoeft, E. (2019). Modelling metamorphic rocks using equilibrium thermodynamics and internally consistent databases: past achievements, problems and perspectives. Journal of Petrology, 60, 19-56.

Reynes, J., Lanari, P., & Hermann, J. (2020). A mapping approach for the investigation of Ti–OH relationships in metamorphic garnet. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175, 46.

Lanari, P., Vho, A., Bovay, T., Airaghi, L., Centrella, S., (2019). Quantitative compositional mapping of mineral phases by electron probe micro-analyser. Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 478, 39-63.

Lanari, P., Riel, N., Guillot, S., Vidal, O., Schwartz, S., Pêcher, A., Hattori, K. (2013). Deciphering High-Pressure metamorphism in collisional context using microprobe-mapping methods : application to the Stak eclogitic massif (NW Himalaya). Geology, 41, 111-114

Lanari, P., Vidal, O., De Andrade, V., Dubacq, B., Lewin, E., Grosch, E., Schwartz, S. (2014). XMapTools: a MATLAB©-based program for electron microprobe X-ray image processing and geothermobarometry. Computers and Geosciences. 62, 227-240

Lanari, P., Wagner, T., Vidal, O., (2014). A thermodynamic model for di-trioctahedral chlorite from experimental and natural data in the system MgO-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. Applications to P-T sections and geothermometry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 167, 968

Martin, C., Debaille, V., Lanari, P., Goderist, S., Vanhaecke, F., Vidal, O., Claeys, P. (2013) REE and Hf distribution among mineral phases in the CV-CK clan : a way to explain present-day Hf isotopic variations in chondrites. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta. 120, 495-513

Lanari, P., Guillot, S., Schwartz, S., Vidal, O., Tricart, P., Riel, N., Beyssac, O., (2012) Diachronous evolution of the alpine continental subduction wedge : evidence from P-T estimates in the Brianconnais Zone houillere (France – Western Alps). Journal of Geodynamics, 56-57, 39-54

Expertise of Pierre Lanari:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic LithosphereGeochemical Processes
Sediments: Formation, Dynamics, Metamorphism
Magmatic Rocks: Formation, Metamorphism
Spatial ZonesMountain / Highland
MethodsData Collection - Measurement
Data Analysis
GeoForum Geo-TechnologyRock and Soil Mechanics

Specialties of Pierre Lanari:
Computational petrology and geochemistry

Last update: 8/23/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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