Bernard Clot

Dr. Bernard Clot
Messungen und Daten - Payerne
Chemin de l'Aérologie 1
CH-1530 Payerne

Phone: +41 (0) 58 460 93 98
Phone2: +41 (0) 58 460 94 44
E-mail: bernard.clot(at)
URL Institution:

Additional functions:
Past-President, International Association for Aerobiology 2018-2022
EUMETNET AutoPollen programme manager

Key Publications of Bernard Clot (up to ten) :
ANSES (éd.). Etat des connaissances sur l’impact sanitaire lié à l’exposition de la population générale aux pollens présents dans l’air ambiant. Rapport d’expertise collective. 2014. Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail, Maisons-Alfort, France.

Sauvageat E, Zeder Y, Auderset K, Calpini B, Clot B, Crouzy B, Konzelmann T, Lieberherr G, Tummon F, and Vasilatou K. 2020. Real-time pollen monitoring using digital holography. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 13: 1539-1550.

Clot B, Gilge S, Hajkova L, Magyar D, Scheifinger H, Sofiev M, Bütler F, Tummon F. The EUMETNET AutoPollen Programme: establishing a prototype automatic pollen monitoring network in Europe. Aerobiologia,

Tummon F, Arboledas LA, Bonini M, Guinot B, Hicke M, Jacob C, Kendrovski V, McCairns W, Petermann E, Peuch VH, Pfaar O, Sicard M, Sikoparija B, Clot B. 2021. The need for Pan-European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: a Stakeholder Workshop Position Paper. Clin. Transl. Allergy 11(3),

Gehrig R, Clot B. 2021.Fifty years of pollen monitoring in Basel (Switzerland) demonstrate the influence of climate change on airborne pollen. Front. Allergy,

Buters J, Clot B, Galan C, Gehrig R, Gilge S, Hentges F, O'Connor D, Sikoparija B, Skjoth C, Tummon F, Adams-Groom B, Antunes C, Bruffaerts N, Çelenk S, Crouzy B, Guillaud G, Hajkova L, Kofol Seliger A, Oliver G, Ribeiro H, Rodinkova V, Saarto A, Sauliene I, Sozinova O, Stjepanovic B. 2022. Automatic Detection of airborne Pollen: An Overview. Aerobiologia.

Tummon F, Bruffaerts N, Celenk S, Choël M, Clot B, Crouzy B, Galán C, Gilge S, Hajkova L, Mokin V, O'Connor D, Rodinkova V, Sauliene I, Sikoparija B, Sofiev M, Sozinova O, Tesendic D, Vasilatou K. 2022. Towards standardisation of automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: Best practises and guidelines. Aerobiologia.

Crouzy B, Lieberherr G, Tummon F, Clot B. 2022. False Positives: Handling them operationally for automatic pollen monitoring. Aerobiologia 38: 429-432.

Maya Manzano J, Tummon F, Abt R, Allan N, Bunderson L, Clot B, Crouzy B, Daunys G, Erb S, Gonzalez-Alonso M, Graf E, Grewling L, Haus J, Kadantsev E, Kawashima S, Martinez-Bracero M, Matavulj P, Mills S, Niederberger E, Lieberherr G, Lucas RW, O’Connor DJ, Oteros J, Palamarchuk J, Pope FD, Rojo J, Sauliene I, Schäfer S, Schmidt-Weber CB, Schnitzler M, Sikoparija B, Skjoth CA, Sofiev M, Stemmler T, Trivino M, Zeder Y, Buters J. 2023. Towards European automatic bioaerosol monitoring: Comparison of 9 automatic pollen observational instruments with classic Hirst-type traps. STOTEN

Beggs PJ, Clot B, Sofiev M, Johnston FH. 2023. Climate change, airborne allergens, and three translational mitigation approaches. eBioMedicine

Expertise of Bernard Clot:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeApplied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering
Research Interface / Management
Topic AtmosphereAtmosphere
Topic BiosphereBiosphere
Topic EcosystemsEcosystems
Topic HealthHealth
MethodsData Collection - Measurement
Data Analysis

Specialties of Bernard Clot:
Aerobiology and phenology

Airborne pollen monitoring, pollen allergy, invasive plants (Ambrosia), impact of climate change, forecasting

Last update: 11/21/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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