Urs Eichenberger

Dr. Urs Eichenberger
In pension
Chm. Tac-Mouche 3
CH-2057 Villiers

Phone: 032 853 79 42
Phone2: 079 136 42 22
E-mail: urs.eichenberger(at)isska.ch

in which Urs Eichenberger holds an official function.

Additional functions:
Lecturer for applied geosciences at Besançon University (UFC). Advisor for seismic interpretation.

Key Publications of Urs Eichenberger (up to ten) :
Sommaruga, A., Eichenberger, U. and Marillier, F. (2012): Seismic Alas of the Swiss Molasse Basin. Edited by the Swiss Geophysical Commission. – Matér. Géol. Suisse, Géophys. 44

Jeannin P.-Y., Eichenberger U, Sinreich M., Vuillamoz J. Malard A. & Weber E. (2012): Karsys: a pragmatic approach to karst hydrogeological system conceptualisation. Assessment of groundwater reserves and resources in Switzerland. – Environnmental Earth Sciences, Springer.

Becker A.; Davenport C.; Eichenberger U.; Gilli E.; Jeannin P.-Y. (2006) : Speleoseismology: methods and concepts. Journal of Seismology, vol. 10(3): 371-388.

Blant,D., Eichenberger, U. und Jeannin, P-Y. (2005): Bauen im Karst. Tec21, Nr.18, 29.April 2005

Last update: 11/18/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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