Martin Gysel

Dr. Martin Gysel
Labor für Atmosphärenchemie (LAC/ENE)
CH-5232 Villigen PSI

Phone: +41 (0) 56 310 41 68
Phone2: +41 (0) 56 310 25 22
Fax: +41 (0) 56 310 45 25
E-mail: martin.gysel(at)
URL Institution:
Personal URL: link

Additional functions:
Mitglied der Schweizerischen Kommission für die hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch der Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)

Expertise of Martin Gysel:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic AtmosphereAtmosphere
Air Pollution

Specialties of Martin Gysel:
aerosol-cloud interactions; long-term monitoring of climate-relevant aerosol properties, characterization of atmospheric black carbon particles and their direct and indirect climate effects

Last update: 9/12/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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