Andreas Kläy

Mr. Andreas Kläy
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Universität Bern
Mittelstrasse 43
CH-3012 Bern

Phone: +41 (0) 31 631 85 84
Phone2: +41 (0) 31 631 88 22
E-mail: andreas.klaey(at)
URL Institution:

in which Andreas Kläy holds an official function.

Additional functions:
Austausch- und Beratungskommission BNE, Kanton Bern
Vorstand HPG (Hannes Pauli Gesellschaft)
Vorstand SAGUF
Leiter Arbeitsgruppe Innovation für NE, SAGUF
Präsident A21 Wohlen

Key Publications of Andreas Kläy (up to ten) :
Kläy, A., Zimmermann A. B., Schneider F. 2015. Rethinking science for sustainable development: Reflexive interaction for a paradigm transformation. In: Futures 65 72–85

Kläy, A. 2014 Umgang mit erneuerbaren Ressourcen: Herausforderung Nachhaltigkeit
In: Gaia Vol. 23/4 360–362

Kläy, A. 2012 Nachhaltige Entwicklung an Schweizer Hochschulen: Zeit für Tritt- statt Stolpersteine. In: Gaia Vol. 21/4 321-323

Kläy A. 2009 The Efficiency of Simplicity: A comprehensive evolutionary perception of the earth can help to improve the management of subsystems. Oral contribution given at the SUMMIT OF SCIENCE FOR POLITICS on CLIMATE CHANGE, G l o b a l R i s k s, C h a l l e n g e s & D e c i s i o n s, Copenhagen March 09. Session: 22 - Transforming Institutions to Managing a Carbon Constrained World (

The Kyoto Protocol and the Carbon Debate - A plea for an international policy on sustainable management of renewable resources. Development and Environment Reports No 18,
Centre for Development and Environment, GEOGRAPHICA BERNENSIA 2000

Specialties of Andreas Kläy:
Sustainable development, transformative science, systems approaches, dealing with complexity, cognition theory, cognitive metaphor theory, communication and learning processes for sustainable development.

Last update: 11/21/19
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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