Martine Vernooij

Dr. Martine Vernooij
Office of Research
ETH Zürich
HG E 32.2
Rämistr. 101
CH-8093 Zürich

Phone: +41 (0) 44 632 04 35
Fax: +41 (0) 44 632 11 84
E-mail: martine.vernooij(at)
URL Institution:

Key Publications of Martine Vernooij (up to ten) :
Vernooij, M.G.C. and Langenhorst, F., 2005. Experimental reproduction of tectonic deformation lamellae in quartz and comparison to shock-induced planar deformation features. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 40 (9/10): 1353-1361.

Vernooij, M.G.C., Kunze, K. and den Brok, B., 2006. 'Brittle' shear zones in experimentally deformed quartz single crystals. Journal of Structural Geology, 28: 1292-1306.

Vernooij, M.G.C., den Brok, B. and Kunze, K., 2006. Development of crystallographic preferred orientations by nucleation and growth in experimentally deformed quartz single crystals. Tectonophysics, 427: 35-53

Vernooij, M.G.C., Mohr, M., Tzvetkov, G., Zelenay, V., Huthwelker, T., Kaegi, R., Gehrig, R. and Grobéty, B., 2009. On source identification and alteration of single diesel and wood smoke particles in the atmosphere; an x-ray microspectroscopy study. Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1021/es800773h.

Pathak, S., Guinard, M., Vernooij, M.G.C., Wang, Z., Cousin, B., Michler, J., and Philippe, L., 2011. Influence of lower current densities on the residual stress and structure of thick nickel electrodeposits. Surface coatings and technology, 205, 3651-3657.

Expertise of Martine Vernooij:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic AtmosphereAtmosphere
Air Pollution
Topic PedosphereGeology / Sediments
Topic LithosphereLithosphere
Topic SocietySociety
Education / Communication / Participation
Time FramePast
Recent / Today
MethodsData Collection
Data Collection - Measurement
Data Analysis
Literature Study
GeoForum General-TechnologyTechnologies, Engineering, Physics
GeoForum Geo-TechnologyRock and Soil Mechanics
Geotechnics, Geomatics, Geophysics

Specialties of Martine Vernooij:
Experimental rock deformation,
Microscopy (SEM with EBSD, TEM),
Single particle analysis of aerosols,
Conservation issues (Built environment and cultural artefacts)

Last update: 7/13/17
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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