
Carlos Alberto Arnillas Merino

Dr. Carlos Alberto Arnillas Merino
Centro de Datos para la Conservación en el Departamento de Manejo Forestal de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina


Phone: +51 1 3496102
E-mail: caam(at)lamolina.edu.pe
URL Institution: cdc.lamolina.edu.pe/

Specialties of Carlos Alberto Arnillas Merino:
I am biologist, and I am actually working on development of monitoring systems for a natural reserve and for a group of natural reserves proposed as biosphere reserve in a mountain forest. I have also worked on highland grasses ecology, and on mountain forest deforestation monitoring and modelization.

Last update: 11/28/13
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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