
Maaike Bader

Dr. Maaike Bader
Ecological Plant Geography
Faculty of Geography
University of Marburg
Deutschhausstrasse 10
DE-35032 Marburg

Phone: +49-6421-2828952
E-mail: maaike.bader(at)uni-marburg.de
URL Institution: https://www.uni-marburg.de/fb19/fachgebiete/biogeographie/ag_oeko_pflanz/indexeng?set_language=en

Key Publications of Maaike Bader (up to ten) :
García, M.C., M.Y. Bader & L.A. Cavieres 2015. Facilitation consequences for reproduction of the benefactor cushion plant Laretia acaulis along an elevational gradient: costs or benefits? Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.02592.

Bader, M. Y., H. Loranger & G. Zotz. 2014. A cool experimental approach to explain elevational treelines, but can it explain them? American Journal of Botany 101: 1403-1408.

Harsch, M. A. & M. Y. Bader. 2011. Treeline form - a potential key to understanding treeline dynamics. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 582-596.

Malanson, G. P., L. M. Resler, M. Y. Bader, F.-K. Holtmeier, D. R. Butler, D. J. Weiss, L. D. Daniels & D. B. Fagre. 2011. Mountain Treelines: a Roadmap for Research Orientation. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research 43: 167-177.

Bader, M. Y., M. Rietkerk & A. K. Bregt. 2008. A simple spatial model exploring positive feedbacks at tropical alpine treelines. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research 40: 269-278.

Bader, M. Y. & J. J. A. Ruijten. 2008. A topography-based model of forest cover at the alpine tree line in the tropical Andes. Journal of Biogeography 35: 711-723.

Di Pasquale, G., M. Marziano, S. Impagliazzo, C. Lubritto, A. De Natale & M. Y. Bader. 2008. The Holocene treeline in the northern Andes (Ecuador): First evidence from soil charcoal. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 259: 17-34.

Bader, M. Y., M. Rietkerk & A. K. Bregt. 2007a. Vegetation structure and temperature regimes of tropical alpine treelines. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research 39: 353-364.

Bader, M. Y., I. Van Geloof & M. Rietkerk. 2007b. High solar radiation hinders tree regeneration above the alpine treeline in northern Ecuador. Plant Ecology 191: 33-45.

Expertise of Maaike Bader :
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeExpert Type
Scientific / Fundamental Research
Topic BiosphereBiosphere
Time ScaleSeasonal / Annual
Decadal / Centennial
MethodsData Collection - Measurement
Mountain Research InitiativeEurope (including Eastern Europe)
Latin America

Specialties of Maaike Bader :
plant ecophysiology, ecology, alpine treeline, plant interactions, bryophytes

Last update: 11/15/17
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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