
Anabela Carvalho

Prof. Anabela Carvalho
Department of Communication Sciences
University of Minho
Campus de Gualtar
PT-4710-057 Braga

E-mail: carvalho(at)ics.uminho.pt
URL Institution: orcid.org/0000-0002-7727-4187

Key Publications of Anabela Carvalho (up to ten) :
Carvalho, A., van Wessel, M. & P. Maeseele (2017; online in 2016) ‘Communication practices and political engagement with climate change: A research agenda’, Environmental Communication 11 (1): 122-135.
DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2016.1241815

Loose, E. & A. Carvalho (guest editors) (2017) ‘Comunicação e Mudanças Climáticas’, dossiê temático da revista Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente 40. http://dx.doi.org/10.5380/dma.v40i0

Carvalho, A., Schmidt, L. Santos, F.D. & A. Delicado (2014) 'Climate change research and policy in Portugal’, WIREs Climate Change 5: 199-217
DOI: 10.1002/wcc.258

Carvalho, A. & T. R. Peterson (eds.) (2012) Climate Change Politics: Communication and Public Engagement, Amherst, NY: Cambria Press.

Carvalho, A. (ed.) (2011) As Alterações Climáticas, os Media e os Cidadãos (Climate Change, Media and Citizens), Coimbra: Grácio editor.

Carvalho, A. (2010) ‘Media(ted) discourses and climate change: a focus on political subjectivity and (dis)engagement’, WIREs Climate Change 1 (2): 172-179.
DOI: 10.1002/wcc.13

Carvalho, A. (ed.) (2008) Communicating Climate Change: Discourses, Mediations and Perceptions, Braga: Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho. E-book available from: http://www.lasics.uminho.pt/ojs/index.php/climate_change

Carvalho, A. (2007) ‘Ideological cultures and media discourses on scientific knowledge. Re-reading news on climate change’, Public Understanding of Science 16 (2): 223-243.
DOI: 10.1177/0963662506066775

Carvalho, A. (2005) ‘Representing the politics of the greenhouse effect. Discursive strategies in the British media’, Critical Discourse Studies 2 (1): 1-29.
DOI: 10.1080/17405900500052143

Carvalho, A. & J. Burgess (2005) ‘Cultural circuits of climate change in UK broadsheet newspapers, 1985-2003’, Risk Analysis 25 (6): 1457-1469.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2005.00692.x

Expertise of Anabela Carvalho:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic SocietyOrganisations / Institutions
Perception / Behaviour / Attitudes
Education / Communication / Participation
MethodsData Collection - Interviews, Questionnaires
Data Collection - Documents, Archives
Data Analysis

Specialties of Anabela Carvalho:
Climate change communication

Last update: 11/22/17
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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