
Geza Csaszar

Prof. Geza Csaszar
Chair of the Geological Committee for Hungarian Academy of S
Regional Geology Department
Retired, ELTE University
Stefania str. 14
HU-H-1143 Budapest

Mailing Address:
Szlacsanyi Ferenc
HU-H-1151 Budapest

Phone: +36 (1) 307 5008
Phone2: +36 30 468 5826
E-mail: csaszar.geza(at)gmail.com

Additional functions:
National representative for ISSC
National Representative for CBGA
Chair of the Stratigraphic Committee for Hungary
Vice chair of Federation of Technical and Scientific Societies

Key Publications of Geza Csaszar (up to ten) :
CSÁSZÁR G. & TURN*EK, D. 1996: Atoll-like vestiges in the Lower Cretaceous of the Mecsek Mountains, Hungary. — Cretaceous Research 17, 419-442.
CSÁSZÁR, G. (ed. in chief), PISTOTNIK, J., SCHAREK, P., KAISER, M., DARIDA-TICHY, M., NAGY, E., SZURKOS, G., SÍKHEGYI, F., BUDAI, T., MARSI, I., GYALOG, L., IVÁNCSICS, J., PRISTA*, J. HORNI*, J. HALOUZKA, R., ELEČKO, M., KONEČNY, V., LEXA, J. NAGY, A., VASS, D. & VOZÁR, J. 1999: Surface Geological Map 1:100 000. — Danube Region Environmental Geology Programme, Budapest
CSÁSZÁR, G. 2002: Urgon formations in Hungary with special reference to the Eastern Alps, the Western Carpathians and the Apuseni Mountains. — Acta Geologica Hungarica, ser. Geol. 25, 206 p.
CSÁSZÁR G. 2005: Regional Geology of Hungary and its environ Part I: Palaeozoic – Palaeogene (In Hungarian)— ELTE University Text Book ELTE Eötvös Publishing House, Budapest 328 p
CSÁSZÁR, G. 2005: Geological key section system as a base for geoparks in Hungary
(Protection, enhancement and management of geological heritage) — 6th European Geoparks Network Meeting, Abstract p. 27 Lesvos 2005,

Specialties of Geza Csaszar:
Regional Geology (including Regional Geology of the World)
Stratigraphy and palaeogeography
Geological mapping

Last update: 12/17/18
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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