
Piotr Dabrowski

Dr. Piotr Dabrowski
Department of Tourism and Recreation
University School of Physical Education in Krakow
PL- Krakow

E-mail: piotr.dabrowski(at)awf.krakow.pl

Additional functions:
WCPA/IUCN - member
Scientific Council of the Pieniny National Park (Poland)- member
Scientific Counci of the Babia Gora National Park (Poland)- member

Key Publications of Piotr Dabrowski (up to ten) :
1. Transboundary Biosphere Reserves: The Comment to the Statutory Framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. [w:] Biosphere Reserves on Borders. Breymeyer A., D?browski P., (red.) Polski Narodowy Komitet UNESCO-MAB. Warszawa, 2000. ss: 13-23.
2. Natural and Cultural Heritage as a Basis for Ecotourism in Poland. Proceedings of International Conference „Tourism Towards Sustainability”, Varin, Slovakia. Ecological Tourism in Europe. Bonn, 2002. ss: 24-29.
3. Polish Biosphere Reserves in the Changing Society. Proceedings of the International Workshop „Changing Natural and Cultural Values in Biosphere Reserves”, Stara Lesna, Slovakia. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Bratislava, 2002. ss: 41-50.
4. Babia Góra National Park. Tourism and its Impact on Biodiversity. (wspó?aut.:) Lamorski T., Report of the International Workshop for CEE Countries: „Tourism in Mountain Areas and the Convention on Biological Diversity”, BfN-Skripten, nr 77, 2003, ss:31-32.
5. Training of Mountain Guides in Poland. [w:] Turcova I., Bartunek D., Martin A., (red.), Outdoor Sports in Educational and Recreational Programmes. Proceedings from 3rd International Mountain and Outdoor Sports Conference. IYNF, Praha, 2007. ss: 66-73.
6. Background Study on institutional and management frameworks in the Biosphere Reserves Aggtelek ( Hungary ), Babia Gora (Poland) and Sumava ( Czech Republic). (wspó?aut.:) Schliep R., Kovacs D., Urban F., Meyer M., Ecological Tourism in Europe, Bonn, 2007.
7. Zarys historii ochrony przyrody w Pieninach. Pieniny. Przyroda i Cz?owiek. t. 10, 2008, ss: 147-170.
8. Spo?eczne funkcje rezerwatów biosfery. [w:] Doma?ski B., Kurek W. (red.) Gospodarka i Przestrze?, Instutut Geografii i Gospodarki Przestrzennej UJ, Kraków, 2009, ss: 51-62.
9. Czynniki utrudniaj?ce funkcjonowanie polskich rezerwatów biosfery. [W:] Mi?dzynarodowe sieci obszarów chronionych w Polsce: ?wiatowa sie? rezerwatów biosfery UNESCO-MAB i europejska sie? NATURA 2000, A. Breymeyer (red.), Polski Narodowy Komitet UNESCO-MAB, Warszawa, 2011, s:115-120.
10. Ewolucja koncepcji rezerwatów biosfery. Parki nar. rez. Przyr.32.2.2013.ss;113-128.

Expertise of Piotr Dabrowski:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeApplied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering
Topic Economy/ResourceUseTourism
Topic SocietyEducation / Communication / Participation
Time FramePast: Historical / Archeological
Recent / Today
MethodsData Collection
Data Collection - Interviews, Questionnaires
Data Collection - Documents, Archives
Literature Study
Mountain Research InitiativeSustainable land use and natural resources management
Europe (including Eastern Europe)

Specialties of Piotr Dabrowski:
Management of Protected Areas esp. Biosphere Reserves, National Parks
Ecological and Active Tourism
Environmental Education

Last update: 11/24/20
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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