
Juliane Dame

Dr. Juliane Dame
Heidelberg Center for the Environment/South Asia Institute
Department of Geography
University of Heidelberg
DE-69120 Heidelberg

E-mail: juliane.dame(at)uni-heidelberg.de
URL Institution: www.sai.uni-heidelberg.de/geo

Key Publications of Juliane Dame (up to ten) :
DAME, J. (2015): Ernährungssicherung im Hochgebirge. Akteure und ihr Handeln im Kontext des sozioökonomischen Wandels in Ladakh, Indien (= Erdkundliches Wissen 156). Steiner-Verlag, Stuttgart.
NÜSSER, M., SCHMIDT, S. & DAME, J. (2012): Irrigation and Development in the Upper Indus Basin: Characteristics and Recent Changes of a Socio-Hydrological System in Central Ladakh, India. In: Mountain Research and Development 32 (1): 51-61.
DAME, J. & NÜSSER, M. (2011): Food security in high mountain regions: agricultural production and the impact of food subsidies in Ladakh, Northern India. In: Food Security 3 (2): 179-194.
DAME, J. & MANKELOW, J.S. (2010): Stongde revisited: land-use change in Central Zangskar. In: Erdkunde 64 (4): 355-370.

Last update: 4/14/16
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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