
Robert Guzik

Dr. Robert Guzik
Department of Regional Development
Institute of Geography and Spatial Management
Jagiellonian University
Gronostajowa 7
PL-30-387 Krakow

Phone: +48 (12) 664 53 33
E-mail: r.guzik(at)geo.uj.edu.pl
URL Institution: www.geo.uj.edu.pl
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Robert Guzik (up to ten) :
Domañski B., Guzik R., Gwosdz K., Micek G., 2009, The transformation of Ma*opolska: experiences and prospects for the twenty-first century, [in:] Jakubowska P., Kukliñski A., ¯uber P. (ed.) The Future of Regions in the Perspective of Global Change, Vol. 4, Part Two, Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego, Warsaw, 95-133.

Guzik, R. (ed.) 2009, Rewitalizacja miast w Wielkiej Brytanii (Urban Regeneration in United Kingdom), Seria: Rewitalizacja miast Polskich, Tom 1, Instytut Rozwoju Miast, Kraków.

Pavlínek, P., Domañski, B., Guzik, R. 2009, Industrial Upgrading Through Foreign Direct Investment in Central European Automotive Manufacturing. European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1. 43-63.

Stenning A., Charlesworth A., Guzik R., Paszkowski M., 2008, A tale of two institutions: Shaping Oœwiêcim-Auschwitz, Geoforum, 39 (2008), 401-413.

Guzik R., 2006, Access to education and knowledge-based economy in Poland. The regional perspective, [w:] K. Piech, S. Radosevic (red.), The Knowledge-Based Economy in Central and East European Countries: countries and industries in a process of change, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 164-180.

Guzik R., Ko*oœ A., 2003, Evolution of accessibility in Carpathian spa resorts between 1938 and 2000, [in:] Kurek W. (ed.), Issues of tourism and health resort management, Prace Geogr., Inst. Geogr. UJ, 111, 356-368.

Expertise of Robert Guzik:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeExpert Type
Scientific / Fundamental Research
Topic Economy/ResourceUseEconomy / Resource Use
Trade / Globalisation
Transport / Mobility
Land Cover / Land Use / Landscape
Topic Politics/LawPolitics / Law
Regionalization / Globalization
Topic SocietySociety
Employment / Social Security / Poverty
Education / Communication / Participation
Topic SustainabilitySustainability
Social Sustainability
Economic Sustainability
MethodsData Collection - Interviews, Questionnaires
Data Collection - Documents, Archives
Integrated Assessment
Mountain Research InitiativeSustainable land use and natural resources management

Last update: 1/3/19
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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