
Jerzy Lesinski

Prof. Jerzy Lesinski
Department of Forest Botany and Nature Conservation
Agricultural University
Al. 29 listopada 46
PL-31-425 Krakow

Phone: +48 12-662 53 36
E-mail: jeles(at)interia.pl

Key Publications of Jerzy Lesinski (up to ten) :
Lesinski J.A. 1982. Funkcje lasów w Polsce (Functions of Polish forests), Studies of the Centre of Physiographic Documentation, Polish Acad. of Sciences, 10:201-213, Krakow, Poland

Lesinski J.A., Rózanski W. 1986. Przyrodnicze walory zbiorowisk lesnych w Dolinie Popradu (Forest communities of the Poprad River Valley), Problemy Zagosp. Ziem Górskich, 27:87-113, Krakow, Poland

Myczkowski S., Skawinski P., Lesinski J.A. 1985. Synantropizacja lasów: Mapa 21, w: Atlas Tatrzanskiewgo Parku Narodowego (Synantropisation of forest ecosystems: Map 21, in: The Tatra National Park Atlas) (K. Trafas - Red.). Pol. Tow. Przyj. Nauk o Ziemi, Zakopane - Krakow, Po¬land

Lesinski J.A., Kurzynski J.: 1994. Ochronne funkcje lasów, mapa 74 w skali 1: 2 000 000 w: Atlas zasobów, walorów i zagrozen srodowiska geograficznego Polski (Protective functions of forests, Map 74 (1 : 2 000 000) in: Atlas of Resources, Values and Degradation of the Geographical Environment in Poland) (S. Leszczycki - Ed.) Pol. Acad. Sci., Inst. of Geography and Spatial Organisation, Agencja Reklamowo-Wydawnicza A. Grzegorczyk, Warsaw, Poland

Lesinski J.A, Adamczyk K., Pasionek R. 2009. The role of natural succession in conversion of disintegrating Norway spruce monocultures – The Silesian Beskid Range case study, Int. Conf. Spruce in the Context of Global Change: Ecology, silviculture, forest products, management risks and conservation practices, 31 Aug – 3 Sep 2009, Halmstad, Sweden (submitted)

Expertise of Jerzy Lesinski:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeExpert Type
Applied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering
Research Interface / Management
Topic AtmosphereAtmosphere
Air Pollution
Topic BiosphereBiosphere
Topic EcosystemsEcosystems
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Topic Economy/ResourceUseAgriculture, Forestry and Fishery
Topic SustainabilityEcological Sustainability
Time FrameTime Frame
Recent / Today
MethodsData Collection - Measurement
Data Analysis
Literature Study
Program Coordination / Management
Mountain Research InitiativeLong-term monitoring and analysis of indicators of environmental change in mount

Specialties of Jerzy Lesinski:
Forest trees, forest communities, forest dynamics, forest functions, forest management

Last update: 8/7/09
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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