
Mirela Mazilu

Prof. Mirela Mazilu
Director of Department Research Center in Tourism Innovative
Geography of Tourism-University of Craiova
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Craiova
RO-220037 Craiova

Mailing Address:
Revolutiei 1, Bl. P5, Sc. 2, Ap. 7
RO-220074 Drobeta Turnu Severin

Phone: +40 (0)252 31 69 66
Phone2: +40 744 58 29 61
Fax: +40 (0)252 31 69 66
E-mail: mirelamazilu2004(at)yahoo.com
URL Institution: www.ucv.ro

Additional functions:
member in 18 international programmes and coordinator in 6 international programmes
ARACIS evaluator, EDAS publication and Journal of Population Research (JPAR)reviewer.
member in Editorial board at WASET (World Academy Science Engeneering and Technology), www.waset.org/HumanitiesandSocialSciences.php?page=4, Editorial Board of Journal of Alternatives Perspectives in Social Sciences, http://journal.vpweb.com/EditorialBoard.html, Répertoire Mondial des géographes
Expert Evaluator CDI(Cercetare-Dezvoltare-Inovare: Research - Development - Inovation)
Member of Professional TIES (International Society of Ecotourism) .
Member organizer of the 3 Editions of the Euro-regional Fair of Tourism with WTO participation. Member organizer of the 3 Editions of the Euro-regional Fair of Tourism in Drobeta Turnu Severin, in 2007 receiving the visit of one delegation of the World Tourism Organisation., and principal organizer of 2 International Conference on Tourism“Sustainable mountain tourism - local responses for global changes”.26-27 Sept.2009, in cooperation of MRI (MOUNTAIN RESEARCH INITIATIVE) is the main coordinator and editor of the conference volume. The conference was significant international participation: 8 countries He attended the WSEAS conferences on tourism CUHT’2008, CUHT’2009,WSEAS:Sustainable Tourism,EMT’10.
1. Ac?iunea COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) IS1101: „Climate Change and Migration: Knowledge, Law and Policy, and Theory- COST ES1101: „Harmonizing Global Biodiversity Modeling (HarmBio)”,Membru in Colectivul de Cercetare. http://www.cost.eu/about_cost/who/(type)/5/(wid)/30376
2.Ac?iunea COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level -MC Substitute Member ,Earth System Science and Environmental Management COST Action ES1104
Expert Member on tourism issues Project TOUREG, won through competition, financed by the European Commission within the Research Program 7, dedicated to facilitating the technology transfer on three main ways, respectively IT, energy and environment, more precisely it proposes solutions for technological investments to small and medium sized companies from Mehedinti County

Key Publications of Mirela Mazilu (up to ten) :
5 Specialty books of Tourism and Environment and 11 Articles indexed ISI.
Among them:
1. The Environment Management Versus The Quality Management, publicat în NAUN- International Journal of Energy and Environment, Issue 1, volume 3, 2009, ISSN 1109-9577, pag. 9-18,cotat ISI. http://www.naun.org/journals/energy/environment.
2. Binomial Inseparable Environmental Economics, publicat în NAUN- International Journal of Energy and Environment, Issue 1, volume 3, 2009, ISSN 1109-9577, pag. 19-28,cotat ISI http://www.naun.org/journals/energy/environment;
3. A New Challenge in the Current Economic Stabilization, , publicat în ISI Scientific Proceedings of the 10 th WSEAS International Conference of Recent Advances in Mathematics and Computers i Business and EconomicsMCBE”09,Published by WSEAS Press.www.wseas.org.ISBN:978-960-474-063-5,ISSN:1790-5109,
4. The Quality Management in General and the Environment Management a Natural Relationship, publicat în ISI Scientific Proceedings of the 10 th WSEAS International Conference of Recent Advances in Mathematics and Computers i Business and Economics MCBE”09,Published by WSEAS Press.www.wseas.org.ISBN:978-960-474-063-5,ISSN:1790-5109,Prague,Czech Republic,23-25 Mars,2009,p.292-297
5. The Impact of Climate Changes on Tourism, publicat în ISI Scientific Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Tourism CUTH’08, ISBN 978-960-6766-89-3, ISSN 1790-2769, pag.77-83.
www.worldses.org/books/2008/crete/new-aspects-of-cultural-heritage-and-tourism.pdf Book Mirela Mazilu - Title: The Romanian Tourism - A Promoter of Globalization and Sustainable Development Factor, ISBN: 978-1-61804-101-2, 470 pag., Published by WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) WSEAS Press (Cotat? ISI) http://www.wseas.org/multimedia/books/2012/Mazilu/Mazilu.pdf
This book was awarded with the prize THESAURUS by Journalists and Travel Writers Association of Romania,AJTR 2014

2. Chapter Book Mirela Mazilu (2012). Sustainable Tourism of Destination, Imperative Triangle Among: Competitiveness, Effective Management and Proper Financing, Sustainable Development - Policy and Urban Development - Tourism, Life Science, Management and Environment, Chaouki Ghenai (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0100-0, InTech, DOI:10.5772/28062 ,Available from:

3. Mazilu Mirela,Global Swot Analysis, Proiectul TOUREG,Grant Agreement nr.206829,Regional Tourism report of Mehedinti,Project founded under the Regions of Knowledge Programme Capacities FP-7-th Framework Programme,2010,TOUREG,FP7.
www.tourisminnovation.eu http://www.stepc.gr/_docs/library_docs/GLOBAL_SWOT_Analysis_TOUREG.pdf
4. Mazilu Mirela, Key elements of a Model for Sustainable Tourism, publicat în International Journal of Energy and Environment,Issue 2,Volume 4, ISSN:1109-9577,2010,p 45-54
5. Mazilu Mirela, Tourism and Innovation-Regional report on South West Oltenia Mehedinti County,Manual FP& TOUREG, Proiectul TOUREG, proiect câ?tigat prin competi?ie, finan?at de Comisia European? în cadrul Programului Cadru FP7 de Cercetare, destinat facilit?rii transferului de tehnologie pe trei paliere principale, respectiv IT, energie ?i mediu, mai exact propune solu?ii de investi?ii tehnologice IMM-urilor din jude?ul Mehedin?i.
6. Mazilu Mirela, Tourism - Innovation for Sustainable Turinn Cluster model, publish in International Journal of Energy and Environment, Issue 1, Volume 7, 2013, ISSN: 1109-9577. pp19-26,2013. http://www.journalmetrics.com/display2.php ( FI-0,357)
7. Mazilu Mirela, Tourism and culture - a vital role in the development of Romanian’s destinations, publish in International Journal of Energy and Environment,Issue 1, Volume 7, 2013, p.27-37, 2013 http://www.naun.org/multimedia/NAUN/energyenvironment/17-256.pdf
8. Mazilu Mirela Elena, The Urban Tourism and Sustainable Development, publish in Amfiteatru Economic,ISSN:1582-9146,pag.254-265,Journal:A-ISI,codCNCSIS:283,indexed in 8 BDI:EBSCO,DOAJ,ProQuest,Ideas,IDS NUMBER 413 CU, published in 2008 ISI WEB of Knowledge.
9. Mazilu Mirela, Urban planning and transportation Meeting Ecological Purposes, publicat în Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology,Book 1, vol. 13, no. 4-1, ISSN: 1311-5065, p.2267-2273, 2012, (I.F. = 0.369 (2009-2013). ).http://www.jepe-journal.info/journal-content/vol-13-no-4-1
10.Mazilu Mirela, Key elements in creating and marketing a sustainable tourism brand for ROMANIA, The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovi?te, Geographical Series, Tome 11 / 2011,p.69-80

Expertise of Mirela Mazilu:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Research Interface / Management
Topic BiosphereBiodiversity
Topic Economy/ResourceUseTourism
Topic Politics/LawRegionalization / Globalization
Topic SocietyPopulation Dynamics / Migration / Urbanisation
Perception / Behaviour / Attitudes
Education / Communication / Participation
MethodsData Analysis
Literature Study
Policy Analysis and Formation
Program Coordination / Management
Mountain Research InitiativeLong-term monitoring and analysis of indicators of environmental change in mount
Sustainable land use and natural resources management
Europe (including Eastern Europe)

Specialties of Mirela Mazilu:
tourism manager, education, environment expert,certificat in tourism,

Last update: 12/1/20
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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