
Anibal Pauchard

Dr. Anibal Pauchard
Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
Universidad de Concepcion
Casilla 160-C

Phone: +56 (0) 41 2204934
E-mail: pauchard(at)udec.cl
URL Institution: www.lib.udec.cl
Personal URL: link

Additional functions:
Member of MIREN (Mountain Invasion Research Network)
Co-Chair of IPBES Invasive Alien Species assessment

Key Publications of Anibal Pauchard (up to ten) :
Pauchard A, Meyerson LA, Bacher S, Blackburn TM, Brundu G, Cadotte MW, Courchamp F, Essl F, Genovesi P, Haider S, Holmes ND, Hulme PE, Jeschke JM, Lockwood JL, Novoa A, Nummer MA, Pelztier DA, Py?ek P, Richardson DM, Simberloff D, Smith K, van Wilgen BW, Vilà M, Wilson JRU, Winter M & Zenii RD. 2018. Biodiversity assessments: Origin matters. PLoS Biol 16(11): e2006686 PDF

Bravo-Vargas V, García R, Pizarro C & Pauchard A. 2018. Do people care about pine invasions? Visitor perceptions and willingness to pay for pine control in a protected area. Journal of Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.07.018

McDougall KL, Lembrechts J, Rew LJ, Haider S, Cavieres LA, Kueffer C, Milbau A, Naylor BJ, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Seidel T, Speziale KL, Wright GT & JM Alexander. 2018. Running off the road: roadside non-native plants invading mountain vegetation. Biological Invasions. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-018-1787-z PDF

Haider S, Kueffer C, Bruelheide H, Seipel T, Alexander JM, Rewearing LJ, Arévalo JR, Cavieres LA, Milbau A, Naylor BJ, Special K & A Pauchard. 2018. Mountain roads and non?native species modify elevational patterns of plant diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12727

Nuñez M, M Chiuffo, A Torres, T Paul, R Dimarco, P Raal, N Policelli, J Moyano, R García, B van Wilgen, A Pauchard, David Richardson. 2017. Ecology and management of invasive Pinaceae around the world: progress and challenges. Biol Invasions 19(11): 3099 – 3120

Expertise of Anibal Pauchard:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic BiosphereBiosphere
Topic EcosystemsTerrestrial Ecosystems
Topic Economy/ResourceUseAgriculture, Forestry and Fishery
Land Cover / Land Use / Landscape
Topic SustainabilityEcological Sustainability
Time FrameRecent / Today
Time ScaleSeasonal / Annual
Decadal / Centennial
MethodsData Collection - Measurement

Specialties of Anibal Pauchard:
Invasion ecology

Last update: 11/21/19
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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