
Zoltan Siklosy

Mr. Zoltan Siklosy
PhD student
Geochemistry & Paleoclimate Research Group
Inst. for Geochemical Research
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budaörsi út 45
HU-1112 Budapest

Phone: +36 1 309 2600 ext. 1394
Fax: +36 1 319 3137
URL Institution: www.geochem.hu/gp/
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Zoltan Siklosy (up to ten) :
Siklósy, Z., Demény, A., Vennemann, T.W., Pilet, S., Kramers, J., Leel-Ossy, Sz., Bondár, M., Shen C.C. and Hegner, E. (2009): Bronze Age volcanic event recorded in stalagmites by combined isotope and trace element studies. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23/6, 801-808.

Siklosy, Z., Demeny, A., Pilet, S.,Leel-Ossy, Sz. 2008. Speleothems as a sensitive indicators of environmental pollution. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-07482

Demeny, A., Siklosy, Z. 2008. Combination of off-line preparation and continuous flow mass spectrometry: D/H analyses of inclusion waters Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 22: 1329–1334

Siklosy, Z., Demeny, A., Vennemann, T.W., Hegner, E., Kramers, J., Leel-Ossy, Sz. 2007. Climate changes and volcanic signals during the Bronze Age: a stalagmite record. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 71, Issue 15, Supp. 1, p. A936

Last update: 2/27/14
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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