
Christoph Stadel

Dr. Christoph Stadel
AG Sozialgeographie
FB Geographie & Geologie
Universität Salzburg
Hellbrunnerstrasse 34
AT-5020 Salzburg

Phone: +43 662 8044 5205
Fax: +43 662 8044 525
E-mail: christoph.stadel(at)sbg.ac.at

Key Publications of Christoph Stadel (up to ten) :
1. Stadel, C. 2017: Changing Images and Dimensions of Andean Indigenous Identitities in Space and Time. In: Sarmiento, F. & S. Hitchner (Eds.): Indigeneity and the Sacred. Indigenous Revival and the Conservation of Sacred Natural Sites in the Americas. New York & Oxford: Berghan Publ., pp. 119-132

2. Stadel, C. 2016: Tierras Altas - Tierras Bajas. Highland-Lowland Interactions in the Andean Realm. In: Mainali K. & S. Sicroff (Eds.): Jack D. Ives, Montologist. Festschrift for a Mountain Advocate. Lalitpur, Nepal: Himalayan Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 142-156

3. Stadel, C. 2016: Globalisierung und ländliche andine Gemeinschaften- Perspektiven, Probleme, Potenziale. In: Geographie Innsbruck (Ed.): Die Welt verstehen - eine geographische Herausforderung. Eine Festschrift der Geographie für Axel Borsdorf. Innsbrucker Geographische Studien, vol. 40, pp. 183-198

4. Kambona Ouma, O., C. Stadel & B. Okalo: 2016: Social science and indigenous ecological knowledge in Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya, eco.mont, vol 8(1), pp. 29-38

5. Stadel, C. 2015: Environmental and socio-economic changes in the rural Andes: Human Resilience and Adaptation Strategies. In: Grover, V.I et al. (Eds.): Impact of Global Changes on Mountains. Responses and Adaptation. Oxford et al.: Taylor and F, CRC Press, pp. 419-433rancis

6. Borsdorf, A. & C. Stadel 2015: The Andes. A Geographical Portrait. Cham et al: Springer International

7. Stadel, C. 2015: A mountain in the Prairies - the Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve, Manitoba, Canada. eco.mont, Vol. 7 (2); pp. 83-88

8. Gardner, J., R. Rhoades & C. Stadel 2013: Mountains and People. In: Price, M.F. (Ed.): Mountain Geography. Berkeley: University of California Press (to be published in fall 2013)

9. Stadel, C. 2010: Vulnerabilidad, resistividad en el campesinado rural de los Andes tropicales. In: Tulet, J.C. (Ed.): Las nuevas figuras del mundo rural latinoamericano, Anuario Americanista Europeo 6-7: 185-200

10. Grötzbach, E. & C. Stadel 1997: Mountain Peoples and Cultures. In: Messerli, B. & J.D. Ives: Mountains of the World. A Global Priority. New York /London: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 17-38

Specialties of Christoph Stadel:
Rural livelihoods in tropical mountains, esp. Andes
Vulnerability, resilience and adaptive capacity of rural mountain communities
Global economic, cultural and social change in high mountain environments
Geographical perspectives of the Andes

Last update: 11/29/19
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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