Pröbstl Ulrike

Neue Schutzgebiete in der Schweiz. Das Modell Naturpark als Chance für die Region, vorgestellt am Beispiel Werdenberg
New protected areas in Swizterland. The model 'Nature Park' as a chance for the region, displayed at the example Werdenberg

Project Number: CH-4254
Project Type: Master
Project Duration: 03/01/2004 - 12/31/2004 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Leading Institution: Technische Universität München
Project Leader: Prof. Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider
Institute for Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
Peter-Jordan-Strasse 82
AT-1190 Wien
Phone: +43 (0)1 47654 85317
FAX: +43 (0)1 47654 85309
e-Mail: ulrike.proebstl(at)

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:
Living Space

Legal and Social sciences, Economics
Social geography and Ecology

In the context of the current discussion about the protection of nature, government as well as Non-Governmental-Organisations (NGO) consider introducing a new system of protected areas in Switzerland. New National Parks, Nature Parks and Nature Experience Parks shall complete the Swiss nature and landscape protection management. At the same time it should give an impulse for sustainable regional development. The legal basis for the appointment of these areas is missing, therefore, a revision of the actual Nature Protection Law (Natur- und Heimatschutzgesetz) is in the process of being developed. Independent from this political development the region of Werdenberg decided in the year 2001 to create a Nature Park. Goals, objectives and measures of this park are based on Park examples from the neighbouring countries. The task of this master thesis is to explain the current situation of the discussion of the protection area management in Switzerland and to show the opportunities and the risks from a national and regional view. Therefore the different types of Nature Parks of the neighbouring countries as Austria, Germany, Italy and France are compared with each other, parallels are described and strengths and weaknesses are analyzed. One of the most important results of this comparison is that the aspects of nature protection, environmental education, tourism and regional development are the cornerstone of a modern Nature Park. In a next step these results are applied to the situation in Switzerland to create a model for a Swiss Nature Park. As the experiences in protection area management only refer to the National Park of Switzerland and to the Biosphere Reservat Entlebuch, which is certified by the UNESCO within the program of man and biosphere in the year 2001, the survey of the thesis should help other projects in the field of natural protection area and landscape management too. The checklists that have been compiled concerning set-up, planning and organisation of a Nature Park are based as well on the experiences of the analyzed countries and examples as from personal experience in the current Nature Park Project of „Persönlichkeit Werdenberg“. With the help of the checklist, the work in project management should be optimized and the process to reach the goals of similar concepts should be supported. The analysis of the region itself has revealed a positive outcome. The location and the realized parts of the Regio Plus-Project Persönlichkeit Werdenberg are highly suitable for a Regional Nature Park. Even though some aspects in the planning process are missing, for example the definition of goals, model and organisation of the Nature Park, as well as the participation of stakeholders and inhabitants of the region. However, these deficiencies should be worked out in the remaining time of the project and combined in a Nature Park Charta. A protection area in the form of a Regional Nature Park is a unique chance, both for Switzerland and the Region Werdenberg, to develop a balance for man, nature and the economy in a sustainable way. It would be very unfortunate to miss this opportunity.

Zimmermann, Ulf. 2004. Neue Schutzgebiete in der Schweiz. Das Modell Naturpark als Chance für die Region, vorgestellt am Beispiel Werdenberg. Technische Universität München.

PDF Masterarbeit

Last update: 1/25/18
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-4254

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