Güsewell Sabine

Dependance of cluster (dauciform) root formation in Cyperaceae on iron, phosphorus and water availability and implications for species distribution.

Project Number: CH-5005
Project Type: Master
Project Duration: 04/30/2008 - 08/31/2009 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Leading Institution: ETH Zürich
Project Leader: PD Dr. Sabine Güsewell
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Research Areas:

environmental sciences

Cyperaceae, root formation, phosphorus, water availability, species distribution

Some Cyperaceae species have the capacity to form dauciform roots. It has been shown that these root structures are built as a response to internal phosphorus deficiency. Whether other factors also influence dauciform root formation is unknown. Also unknown is, what implications the ability to built dauciform roots has on species distribution in the field. The aim of this study was to investigate whether dauciform root formation depends on iron and water availability and if dauciform root-bearing Cyperaceae fill a special ecological niche.
In a pot experiment, dauciform root development was investigated in two sedge species (Carex panicea and Schoenus nigricans) grown at three different phosphorus, three iron, and two water levels (medium and high). After 12 weeks of supply, dauciform roots were counted and biomass was weighted. In a field survey, eight mires distributed over northern Switzerland were sampled. Plant species composition was recorded in ten plots of 2x2 m2 per mire; aboveground plant material of Cyperaceae species was collected in every plot and analyzed for Fe, P and N content. Nutrient contents were used to estimate nutrient availability of each plot.
Dauciform root formation in the pot experiment did depend on phosphorus supply, however, not on iron or water availability. Likewise, all biomass fractions were independent of iron and water, but not of phosphorus supply. This indicates that overall, phosphorus seems to be of higher importance than iron and water availability.
Cyperaceae with the ability to form dauciform roots occurred in all vegetation types which had been investigated. The presence of these species was neither associated with phosphorus, nor iron or water availability. This indicates that dauciform root-bearing Cyperaceae do not have a special ecological niche. However, in only 14 out of 80 plots species building dauciform roots could be found, and these plots were the less acid ones investigated. Thus, it is likely that dauciform rootbearing Cyperaceae mainly occur in mires with higher pH than the ones sampled in this study. To get a deeper knowledge about the distribution of dauciform root forming species, less acid mires should be investigated.

Del Fabbro C. (2010): Dependance of cluster (dauciform) root formation in Cyperaceae on iron, phosphorus and water availability and implications for species distribution. Master Thesis, ETH Zürich.

PDF Masterarbeit

Last update: 1/19/18
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-5005

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