Robinson Christopher Thomas

Linking the ecological effects of e-flows with sediment regimes in rivers (EU-Project EuroFlow WP3, case study Spöl)

Project Number: CH-6236
Project Type: Research_Project
Project Duration: 03/01/2018 - 02/28/2022 project completed
Funding Source: EU ,
Leading Institution: EAWAG
Project Leader: PD Dr. Christopher Thomas Robinson
Fliessgewässerökologie, Fliessgewässersysteme
Aquatische Ökologie (ECO)
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Phone: +41 (0) 58 765 53 17 ; +41 (0) 58 765 51 32
FAX: +41 (0) 58 765 53 15
e-Mail: christopher.robinson(at)

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Research Areas:


Objectives (1) Mapping flow and sediment dynamics in the Spöl river using high resolution geomorphological techniques (e.g. UAVs with digital image acquisition and thermal imaging, laser scanning, structure from motion); (2) Experimentation with e-flows in BACI designs to observe impacts on multiple ecosystem properties; (3) Link geomorphological dynamics with functional properties (sediment metabolism)
Expected results (1) New understanding of geomorphic and sediment response to flood flows in hydropower regulated rivers; (2) Driving role of abiotic habitat in ecosystem functional dynamics (e.g. sediment metabolism via dissolved oxygen sensors); (3) Knowledge of links between flow, habitat and invertebrate production
Abstract: Freshwater ecosystems across the world are facing the pressure of multiple stressors, undergoing an alarming ecological degradation. The exploitation of hydropower potential of rivers has substantially altered natural flow and sediment regimes, adding to stressors due to other human activities. Experimental floods (EF) are operational measures designed to restore flow variability and mitigate dam impacts on rivers. Flow-sediment interactions during EF represent strong ecosystem drivers, influencing nutrient dynamics, and metabolic and functional properties. Thus, it is relevant to understand how different sediment inputs influence abiotic and biotic responses to EF.


Präsentation Tagung Parkforschung 2019

Consoli, G., Haller, R.M., Doering, M., Hashemi, S., Robinson, C.T. “Tributary effects on the ecological responses of a regulated river to experimental floods”. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022. pdf article

Consoli, G. et al. (2022): Restoring dammed rivers using artificial floods Water Science Policy, 3(7). doi: pdf article

Consoli, G. (2022): Consoli G. 2022. Environmental flows in alpine rivers: Multi scale assessment of ecological responses to experimental floods. PhD Thesis. eawag. phD Thesis, internal link, password required.

Last update: 2/22/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-6236

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