Ruiz Villanueva Virginia

Morphodynamics and instream wood dynamics monitoring in the Spöl River

Project Number: CH-6758
Project Type: Permanent/Monitoring_Project
Project Duration: 07/01/2020 - ?
Funding Source: other ,
Leading Institution: Université de Lausanne
Project Leader: Dr. Virginia Ruiz Villanueva
Assistant Professor
Geomorphology, Natural Hazards and Risks
Geographisches Institut - Physische Geographie
Universität Bern
Hallerstrasse 12
3012 Bern
Phone: ; +41 (0) 31 684 88 59
e-Mail: virginia.ruiz(at)

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for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:

environmental sciences

Natural dynamics of rivers has been altered for centuries through the regulation of their flow regimes. This has changed in the past years, and some pioneering regime-based criteria have been applied to partially recover river integrity. One benchmark example is the Spöl River, where a long-term restoration program started in 2000, with 35 floods released until 2021. One of the main goals of this program was to enhance morphodynamics and increase habitat heterogeneity in the river. After 21 years of monitoring, works showed that part of the negative effects of the river regulation were mitigated. However, the monitoring program has been focused on biological and ecological features, and how the floods affect the transport of sediment and of instream wood is still not well understood. In 2018, we enhanced the framework to include these observations. The better understanding of such fluvial processes will improve the knowledge about the use of experimental flooding for river restoration.

Ruiz-Villanueva, V. 2021. WASSER, SEDIMENTE UND SCHWEMMHOLZ. Cratschla 2/2

Ruiz-Villanueva, V.; Aarnink, J.A., Gibaja, J., Finch, B.; Vuaridel, M. Integrating flow-, sediment- and instream wood-regimes during e-flows in the Spöl River (Swiss Alps). In: Ortega-Sánchez, M. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress 19–24 June 2022, Granada, Spain, p. 611-615. pdf article

Last update: 2/15/24
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-6758

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