Wiesmann Samuel
Bewegungsmessungen am Blockgletscher Macun (Schweizerischer Nationalark)
Measurements of movements in the rock glacier of Macun (Swiss National Park)
Project Number: CH-2196
Project Type: |
Permanent/Monitoring_Project |
Project Duration: |
01/01/1965 - ? |
Funding Source: |
other , |
Project Leader: |
Herr Samuel Wiesmann Geoinformation Schweizerischer Nationalpark Schloss Planta-Wildenberg Runatsch 124 7530 Zernez Phone: +41 (0) 81 851 41 25 e-Mail: samuel.wiesmann(at)nationalpark.ch
Research Areas:
| |
engineering sciences |
fluid dynamics |
Swiss Alps, Lower Engadin, Rock Glaciers, Surface Survey, Changes in elevation, Rate of movement of rock glacier
The rockglacier ''Macun 1'' is located in the Lower Engadine, Grisons, Swiss Alps and reaches from about 2720 m a.s.l. down to 2610 m a.s.l. (Figure). It has been surveyed by Dietrich Barsch and his co-operators from 1965 until 1997. The results of these measurements are displayed in the Tables. It is intended to continue the survey in intervals of at least every three years. The horizontal displacement, which was rather constant between 1967 and 1988, has increased remarkably in the last years (cf. Zick, 1996).
location: Val Zeznina, Lower Engadine, Grisons, Swiss Alps
type: lobate
size: l=500m, w=300/350m
square: 0,2 sqkm
orientation: NNW
elevation of source (m a.l.s.): max. 3050m
elevation of front (m a.l.s.): 2610m
Tischhauser, M., Derungs, D. 2017. Blockgletscher Macun - Dritte Folgemessung. Bachelorthesis, FHNW, Institut für Vermessung und Geoinformation.
pdf Bachelor-ThesisFehr, M., Reich, R. 2015. Blockgletscher Macun - Zweite Folgemessung. Bachelor Thesis, FHNW, Institut Vermessung und Geoinformation.
pdf Bachelor-ThesisArpagaus, T., Joss, S. 2012. Bewegungsmessungen am Blockgletscher Macun (SNP) mit TLS – 1. Folgemessung. Bachelor Thesis, FHNW, Institut Vermessung und Geoinformation.
pdf Bachelor-ThesisRawiel, Paul (2001): Dreidimensionale kinematische Modelle zur Analyse von Deformationen an Hängen. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe C, Heft Nr. 533.
Zick, Wolfgang (1996): Bewegungsmessungen 1965-1994 am Blockgletscher Macun I (Unterengadin/Schweiz) - neue Ergebnisse. - Zs.Geomorphologie N.F., Suppl.-Bd. 104: 59-71
Barsch, D. und Zick, W. (1991) Die Bewegung des Blockgletschers Macun I von 1965-1988 (Unterengadin, Graubuenden, Schweiz). Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie NF 35: 9-14.
Last update: 1/17/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-2196
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