Wipf Sonja
Phänologische Beobachtungen im Schweiz. Nationalpark
Phenological observations in the Swiss National Park (SNP)
Project Number: UFoKat94-2023-2
Project Type: |
Permanent/Monitoring_Project |
Project Duration: |
01/01/1994 - ? |
Funding Source: |
MeteoSwiss , |
Project Leader: |
Dr. Sonja Wipf Head of Research and Monitoring Forschung und Monitoring Schweizerischer Nationalpark Chastè Planta-Wildenberg Runatsch 124 7530 Zernez Phone: +41 (0) 81 851 41 29 e-Mail: sonja.wipf(at)nationalpark.ch http://www.nationalpark.ch |
Research Areas:
| |
botanics |
general biology |
environmental sciences |
meteorology |
Alpen /Alpes
Klima / Climat
Vegetation / Végétation
Bioindikator, Bioindikation / Indicateur, indice biologique
Umweltindikatoren, -indikation / Environnement, indicateurs de l'
Phenological observations in the swiss national park (SNP) are a supplement to the swiss phenological observation programme. Data are collected at a region where the anthropological influence is minimal at the alpine and subalpine step. The phenological data of SNP might give some indications of the climatological difference in the park. Observation series over a long period might serve as indicators for environment changes such as climate change or damage to the biosphere. Additional observations during two to three vegetation periods might allow to establish a heat classification card of the SNP.
Leading questions:
Phenological data collection of a region where the anthropological influence is minimal
DÖSSEGGER, R., ROBIN, K. 1995: Witterungsübersicht 1994. Cratschla 3/2/1995: 4-7.
Last update: 11/15/21
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-25
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