Wipf Sonja

Huftiermonitoring des Schweizerischen Nationalparks: Bestandeserhebungen
Monitoring of ungulates in the Swiss National Park

Project Number: CH-4893
Project Type: Permanent/Monitoring_Project
Project Duration: 08/01/1914 - ?
Funding Source: BAFU ,
Project Leader: Dr. Sonja Wipf
Head of Research and Monitoring
Forschung und Monitoring
Schweizerischer Nationalpark
Chastè Planta-Wildenberg
Runatsch 124
7530 Zernez
Phone: +41 (0) 81 851 41 29
e-Mail: sonja.wipf(at)nationalpark.ch
Metadata: http://www.parcs.ch/snp/mmd_fullentry.php?docu_id=28393

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:

environmental sciences

Bernhard, N (2023): Genauigkeit von GPS PLUS-Halsbändern für Cervus elaphus im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. CAS Abschlussarbeit ZHAW.
pdf Publication

Last update: 2/13/24
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-4893

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