Coy Martin

CReative Approaches For socio-ecological Transitions (CRAFT): A comparative study of rural-peripheral biosphere reserves as driver of social innovations

Project Number: CH-6747
Project Type: Research_Project
Project Duration: 01/01/2020 - 09/30/2021
Funding Source: other ,
Leading Institution: University of Innsbruck
Project Leader: Prof. Martin Coy
Institut für Geographie
Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52
AT-6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 (0) 512 507 54 20
e-Mail: martin.coy(at)

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for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:

environmental sciences

Transitions towards sustainability address global change processes. These global changes pose major challenges on multiple scales and spatial levels. Affecting all parts of society, the regional scale is in the heart of this debate. Research on innovations has not much focused on rural areas so far but scholars detect various novelties in remote regions around the world related to technological progresses but also e.g. social innovations that transform social structures, culture and practice. Experiments are strongly connected to striven social innovations which cover solutions that go beyond existing and established expectations and routines and correspond better with current societal challenges. In that sense, Biosphere Reserves need to act as regional platforms for creative approaches, creating niche possibilities but also gather knowledge for socio-ecological transitions being embedded into a global network. CRAFT focuses on actors with creative approaches that aim for socio-ecological transitions, to get a deeper analysis of creative approaches and how they participate in regional governance. In this context CRAFT analyses the role of rural Biosphere Reserves as regional platforms for these creative approaches. By deriving enabling mechanisms that foster these creative approaches the project offers opportunities to disseminate findings. It is an overall objective of CRAFT to spread the gained knowledge and to contribute on developing sustainable regions. CRAFT is designed inter- and transdisciplinary but furthermore cross-border comparative. The comparative cross-border approach therefore goes beyond simple case study selections but furthermore to a transdisciplinary partnership with scientific and non-scientific partners. Therefore, Case Studies (BR Großes Walsertal, BR Engiadina-Val Müstair) are investigated in cooperation between the University of Innsbruck and the Zurich University of Applied Science and in partnership with the BR managements.

Coy, M., Unthan, N., Heuser, J., Reutz, B., Kratzer, A., Schäfernolte, J., 2022. CRAFT: Creative Approaches For socio-ecological Transitions: A comparative study of rural-peripheral biosphere reserves as driver of social innovations. Abschlussbericht, 2022.
pdf Factsheet

Workshop Tagung Parkforschung, 2021. Details available at

Last update: 3/1/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-6747

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