Beer Roland

Entwicklung von Angeboten für die Themen Umweltsensibilisierung und Tourismus im regionalen Naturpark Chasseral. Mit Evaluation der Partner für die Umsetzung

Project Number: CH-5952
Project Type: Bachelor
Project Duration: 07/01/2007 - 02/15/2008 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Leading Institution: ZHAW Wädenswil
Project Leader: Herr Roland Beer
Life Sciences and Facility Management
ZHAW Wädenswil
8820 Wädenswil

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Social geography and Ecology

In Switzerland new parks of national importance are currently created. Their goal is to aid the regional development and to protect the nature and landscape. A central role in this regional development plays nature friendly tourism. The government divides the parks into three sub-categories, each with different goals and regulations for the protection of the nature and environment: The national park with a focus on nature, the regional nature-park, with the goal of a sustaining development of a certain area, and the nature-experience park that functions as natural recreation area for the urban population. The following work deals with the issues of developing nature- friendly tourism in the regional nature- park Chasseral. The nature-park is located in the so called Jura region of the canton Bern, in between the cities of Biel, Neuchatel, and La Chaux-de-Fonds. The goal is to increase the added value in the region by offering tourist attractions and at the same time to contribute to the environmental awareness. Goals for the environmental development and criteria for new attractions are being developed in order to accomplish this. The strengths of the nature-park for environmental tourism were assessed, based on an exploration of the area by foot, literature research and conversation with local experts. Based on existing projects in several nature-parks in Austria and France, this project shows how the tying together of tourism and environmental sensitivity could actually look like. For the nature-park Chasseral two new possible programs are laid out and the steps that need to be taken in order to develop environmentally friendly tourism are shown. Additionally, suggestions are made for possible partners that could help actualize the new attractions. It has become eminent that stronger cooperation of different players and the inclusion of regional attractions are to be pursued stronger in the future.

Schwyzer, Y. (2008): Entwicklung von Angeboten für die Themen Umweltsensibilisierung und Tourismus im regionalen Naturpark Chasseral. Mit Evaluation der Partner für die Umsetzung. Diplomarbeit. ZHAW Wädenswil.

PDF Bachelorarbeit

Last update: 7/18/17
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-5952

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