Elsasser Hans

UNESCO Biospäre Entlebuch: Modell für eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung? Konzept Zielerreichungskontrolle

Project Number: CH-2269
Project Type: Dissertation
Project Duration: 10/01/1998 - 05/31/2003 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Project Leader: Prof. em. Hans Elsasser

Phone: +41 (0) 44 720 64 89
e-Mail: hans.elsasser(at)geo.uzh.ch

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:

Social geography and Ecology
Legal and Social sciences, Economics

Geographie: Regionalentwicklung, Grossschutzgebiete

In September 2001, Entlebuch was the first Biosphere Reserve in Switzerland accepted by the UNESCO according to the Sevilla Strategie of 1995. Biosphere Reserves are regions in which natural and cultural landscapes are preserved, the regional economy is strengthened and where research and education as well as participation of the local inhabitants play a key role. Biosphere Reserves are considered by the UNESCO as models for sustainable regional development.
In order to verify whether the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch (UBE) really fulfils the requirements for being a model region, regular evaluations are necessary. In an assessment concept the main focal points, goals and indicators in connection with sustainable regional development were defined and considered as base for the goal achievement assessment. The concept consists of three fields of activity: tourism, forestry/timber industry and agriculture.

Schmid A, 2004: UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch: Modell für eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung? Konzept Zielerreichungskontrolle. Berichte aus der Region Entlebuch 3, 237 S.

PDF Dissertation

Last update: 1/25/18
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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