Jezler Ueli

Interventionsstrategien für architektonische und landschaftsarchitektonische Einrichtungen im Landschaftspark Binntal

Project Number: CH-4436
Project Type: Research_Project
Project Duration: 01/01/2011 - 10/31/2013 project completed
Funding Source: KTI ,
Project Leader: Ueli Jezler

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engineering sciences
civil engineering

Regionaler Naturpark von nationaler Bedeutung
Der atmosphärische Raum
Räumlich atmosphärische Qualität
Atmosphärische Verdichtung
Potenzial lokale Ressource Holz

A regional nature park of national importance – the label designates a certain geographic region as a park and bestows upon it a special significance.

But what are the defining characteristics of a park? How does it differ from its surroundings? According to the Federal Office of Environment, high natural and landscape values are among others one prerequisite for a region to be recognised as a park of national significance. In terms of spatial planning, the way in which buildings are considered and developed similarly plays a key role.

The main aim of the research project CTI LP Binntal was to develop planning policies for buildings and landscapes, using the Binntal Landscape Park as example, which would contribute to the long-term development of the landscape and building quality and, as a consequence, increase the area’s attractiveness for tourism.

In order to support the results of the project as broadly as possible and to ease the subsequent process of implementation, the project included various measures for raising awareness within the population and with the authorities. The research results that are generally applicable will furthermore be made accessible to other parks and alpine regions should they wish it.

Leading questions:
Die Hauptfrage im Forschungsprojekt bestand darin, wie die gebaute und gewachsene Substanz des Landschaftsparks Binntal zu kartographieren und das Aufgenommene aufzubereiten ist, dass die landschaftliche und bauliche Qualität klarer lesbar und künftige Interventionen erleichtert planbar werden.

Der Projektoutput sind Planungsrichtlinien, welche auf dem Prinzip der atmosphärischen Verdichtung basieren. Methodisch ist das Prinzip auf 5 Schritten aufgebaut.

Jezler U, Bakker M, Kammasch T, Merz K, Mongé N. 2013. Planungsrichtlinien für Bauten und Landschaft. Schlussbericht. Berner Fachhochschule Architektur, Holz und Bau. Burgdorf.
pdf Schlussbericht

Last update: 8/11/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-4436

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