Schanz Ferdinand

Regionallimnologische Untersuchungen an sechs Kleinseen im Pfynwald (Kanton Wallis) 

Project Number: Parcs Data Center 10092 / 4D CH-4843
Project Type: Research_Project
Project Duration: 01/01/1983 - 12/31/1990 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Leading Institution: Universität Zürich
Project Leader: Prof. Ferdinand Schanz

Phone: +41 (0) 44 910 86 44
e-Mail: fschanz(at)

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:


Pfynwald lakes, pond limnology, chemical characteristics, periphyton, Diatoms, diatom communities

Die Kleinseen in Pfynwald-Gebiet zeigen charakteristische Unterschiede bezüglich ihrer Morphologie und der chemisch-physikalischen Charakteristika. Die Zusammensetzung der Kieselalgen-Populationen des Aufwuchses sind vor allem abhängig vom Chemismus des Gewässers. Es wurden interessante Beobachtungen zur Besiedlung neuer Substrate gemacht.

Leading questions:
Are there differences between neighbouring small lakes?
(a) differences in morphology, size etc.
(b) differences in chemical and physical characteristics
(c) differences in the periphyton communities, especially diatoms

How precisely can one characterize the small likes by the periphyton communities?

Which dynamic of the periphyton communities is recognizable?

How fast is the colonization of new substrates by diatom species?


Schanz, F., F. Elber, J. Hürlimann und C. Niederberger, 1986: Regionallimnologische Untersuchungen an sechs Kleinseen im Pfynwald (Kanton Wallis). -Bull.Murithienne 104:45-61.
pdf Artikel

Hürlimann, J. and F. Schanz, 1988: Periphyton diatom communities and trophic states of three shallow lakes in the Pfynwald region of canton Valais, Switzerland. -Arch.Hydrobiol.Suppl. 78:351-371.

Elber, F. and F. Schanz, 1989: The causes of change in the diversity and stability of phytoplankton communities in small lakes. -Freshwat.Biol. 21:237-251.

Last update: 4/5/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-4843

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