Glutz Urs

Contributions to the knowledge of alpine bird communities with special reference to the climatic constraints

Project Number: GlutzvBlotzh
Project Type: Research_Project
Project Duration: 02/11/1995 - 01/17/1999 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Project Leader: Prof. em. Urs Glutz von Blotzheim
Herrengasse 56
6430 Schwyz
Phone: +41 (0) 41 811 20 65
e-Mail: ugvb(at)

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:




1. Mapping of the breeding avifauna on several mountain areas, i.e. Area round the glacier of Aletsch (since about 1952)

  • Urserental (1987-1992)
  • Rhonegletscher-Vorfeld (1992)
  • Schwyz-Ibergeregg (two plots with forests destroyed by storms and bark beetles; 1990, 1993); this mapping project will be continued in about 3 years intervals
  • Binntal (1995)
  • Jura (several test plots in the area of Silver Fir-Beech-woodland)

    2. Research on breeding biology and population ecology of mountain bird species (Lagopus mutus, Tetrao tetrix, Aquila Chrysaetos, Prunella collaris, Sylvia borin, Carduelis cannabina, Montifringilla nivalis and others), with respect to adaptations on cold environments and special emphasis on eco-phenological timing

    3. Analysis of the wintering habits of the Alpine Choughs since the end of Second World War up to 1992/93 as a thorough basis for comparison with possible further developments; influence of climate and changing methods of refuse disposal)

    Leading questions:
    Influence of climate and vegetation on the species composition and population density; range expansion of former lowland bird species into higher altitudes; fate of alpine bird species

    Influence of snow cover duration, weather and vegetational phenology on the timing of arrival and egg-laying, reproductive rate, interpretation of observed (long term) population trends

    Influence of series of mild winters on the wintering habits of alpine birds

    Establishment of a detailed data base of the actual situation as a condition for comparisons in the near or far future (see also "Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas".

    Frey, M., (1989): Brutbiologie des Hänflings unter den Einflüssen des Gebirgsklimas. Orn. Beob. 86: 265-289

    Glutz von Blotzheim, U. (1966): Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Aula Verlag, Wiesbaden. Vol. 13

    Glutz von Blotzheim, U. (1987): Verbreitung, Siedlungsdichte und Brutbiologie der Vögel des Urserentales, insbesondere der Lorbeerweiden-Gesellschaft zwischen Realp und Hospental. Orn. Beob. 84: 249-274.

    Glutz von Blotzheim, U. (1990): Avifauna von Windwurfflächen (Sturmschadenflächen) im Tannen- Buchenwaldareal am Schwyzer Nordalpenrand. Typoskript.

    Glutz von Blotzheim, U. (1992): Avifauna des Obergoms, insbesondere des Rhonegletschervorfeldes. Typoskript.

    Heiniger, Ph.H. (1991): Anpassungsstrategien des Schnefinkren an die extremen Umweltbedingungen des Hochgebirges. Orn. Beob. 88: 193-207

    Luder, R. (1993): Vogelbestände und -lebensräume in der Gemeinde Lenk (Berner Oberland): Veränderungen im Laufe von 12 Jahren. Orn. Beob. 90: 1-34

    Schaffner, U. (1990): Die Avifauna des Naturwaldreservates Combe-Grède. Orn. Beob. 87: 107-129

    Widmer, M. (1993):Brutbiologie einer Gebirgspopulation der Gartengrasmücke. Orn. Beob. 90

    Last update: 3/23/20
    Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
    Update the data of project: CH-GlutzvBlotzh

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