Fumagalli Luca

Genetic structure, mating system and inbreeding depression in disjunct populations of the adder Vipera berus
Génétique de la conservation de la Vipére péliade (Vipera berus)

Project Number: 3100-059132
Project Type: Dissertation
Project Duration: 04/01/2000 - 09/30/2005 project completed
Funding Source: SNSF ,
Project Leader: Dr. Luca Fumagalli
Département d'Ecologie et d'Evolution
Université de Lausanne
Bâtiment de Biologie
1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 (0) 21 692 41 72 ; +41 (0) 21 692 41 60
FAX: +41 (0) 21 692 41 65
e-Mail: luca.fumagalli(at)unil.ch

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Research Areas:

fundamental biology

Population genetic structure, inbreeding, mating system, microstaellite, mtDNA, Vipera berus, phylogeography, conservation genetics

Adder (Vipera berus) has a large geographical distribution, but is locally threatened, like in the Swiss Jura where populations are very small and isolated. On the other side of Switzerland, like in Graubunden, adders are very common, especially in the Swiss National Park because of the absence human pressures. Samples (scales) from two different populations within the Swiss National Park will be collected for genetical analysis. This will allow comparative studies of populations structure and levels of inbreeding.

Leading questions:
In this project we propose to develop and test mtDNA and microsatellite DNA markers, and to compare both emerging genetic patterns, for the assessment of population structure and phylogeography in V. berus. These markers will allow: (i) to test whether isolated populations in areas of suitable habitat represent discrete breeding units between which there is little, if any, dispersal between generations;
(ii) to test whether microgeographic genetic structuring exists in this species, as seems to be a general trend in the few snake species studied so far;
(iii) to compare the level of heterozygosity among isolated and non-isolated populations;
(iv) to provide a perspective on local population processes in some geographically restricted areas through detailed analysis of fine-scale genetic structure, estimation of relationships among individuals and determination of demographic parameters;
(v) to assess the influence of body size on male reproductive success;
(vi) to investigate the distribution of molecular genetic diversity among populations throughout the species’ representative range and thereby define conservation units.

URL: http://www.unil.ch/izea/people/sursenbacher.html

Ursenbacher S., Carlsson M., Helfer V., Tegelström H., Fumagalli L., 2006. Phylogeography and Pleistocene refugia of the Adder (Vipera berus) as inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Molecular Ecology 15, 3425-3437.

Ursenbacher, S., Conelli, A., Golay, P., Monney, J.-C., Zuffi, M.A.L., Thiery, G., Durand, T., Fumagalli, L., 2006. Phylogeography of the asp viper (Vipera aspis) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence data: evidence for multiple Mediterranean refugial areas. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38, 546-552.

Ursenbacher S 2002: Geheminisumwitterte Kreuzottern. Wie Bündner Kreuzottern ihren jurassischen Artgenossen helfen. Cratschla 1/2002: 15-19

Source of Information: NF Import 2002

Last update: 12/23/16
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-59132

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