Philippe Thalmann
Prof. Philippe Thalmann Laboratoratory for environmental and urban economics (LEURE) Faculté de l'Environnement Naturel, Architectural et Construit ENAC EPF Lausanne Station 16 CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland Phone: +41 (0) 21 693 73 21 Phone2: +41 (0) 21 693 93 93 Fax: +41 (0) 21 693 80 40 E-mail: philippe.thalmann(at) URL Institution: Personal URL: link Phone: +41 (0) 21 693 73 21 Phone2: +41 (0) 21 693 93 93 Fax: +41 (0) 21 693 80 40 E-mail: philippe.thalmann(at) URL Institution: Personal URL: link |
Programs in which Philippe Thalmann holds an official function:
OcCC | member | 2013 - |
ProClim- | Past Chair | 2020 - |
Additional functions:
Member core evaluation panel SCCERs (2013-2021)
Key Publications of Philippe Thalmann (up to ten) :
Thalmann, Philippe, Impôts Ecologiques. L'Exemple des Taxes CO2, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 1997
Baranzini, Andrea, and Philippe Thalmann (eds), Voluntary Approaches in Climate Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA, USA, 2004
Baranzini, Andrea, Philippe Thalmann and Camille Gonseth, 'Swiss Climate Policy: Combining VAs with other Instruments under the Menace of a Tax', chapter 14 in: Andrea Baranzini and Philippe Thalmann (eds), Voluntary Approaches in Climate Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, 2004, 249-276
Thalmann, Philippe, 'The public acceptance of green taxes: 2 million voters express their opinion', Public Choice 119(1-2), April 2004, 179-217
Mathys, Nicole, Philippe Thalmann, and Marc Vielle, Special Issue on Energy Modelling, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 148(2), June 2012 (280 pages)
Matasci, Cecilia, Nico Barawid, Sylvia Kruse and Philippe Thalmann, "Exploring barriers to climate change adaptation in the Swiss tourism sector", Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Published online June 2013 (DOI: 10.1007/s11027-013-9471-1)
Brönnimann, Stefan, Christof Appenzeller, Mischa Croci-Maspoli, Jürg Fuhrer, Martin Grosjean, Roland Hohmann, Karin Ingold, Reto Knutti, Mark A. Liniger, Christoph C.Raible, Regine Röthlisberger, Christoph Schär, Simon C. Scherrer, Kuno Strassmann, Philippe Thalmann, "Climate change in Switzerland: A review of physical, institutional and political aspects", WIREs Clim Change, forth. 2014 (DOI: 10.1002/wcc.280)
Vöhringer, Frank, Marc Vielle, Philippe Thalmann, Anita Frehner, Wolfgang Knoke, Dario Stocker, and Boris Thurm, "Costs and benefits of climate change in Switzerland", Climate Change Economics 10(2), May 2019, 1-34 (published online 12 March 2019, doi:10.1142/S2010007819500052)
Thalmann, Philippe, and Marc Vielle, "Lowering CO2 emissions in the Swiss transport sector", Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 155:10, September 2019 (doi:10.1186/s41937-019-0037-3)
Zimmermann, Michel, Frank Vöhringer; Philippe Thalmann; Vincent Moreau, "Do rebound effects matter for Switzerland? Assessing the effectiveness of industrial energy efficiency improvements", Energy Economics 104, December 2021 (doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105703)
Expertise of Philippe Thalmann:
Expertise Category | Specific Expertise |
Expert Type | Scientific / Fundamental Research |
Research Interface / Management | |
Scope | Impact of Change |
Adaptation Measures to Change | |
Mitigation of Change | |
Topic Economy/ResourceUse | Industry |
Transport / Mobility | |
Energy | |
Topic Technology | Efficiency |
Topic Politics/Law | Mitigation / Prevention / Emission Reductions |
Adaptation | |
Topic Society | Perception / Behaviour / Attitudes |
Topic Sustainability | Sustainability |
Topic Risk & Disaster Management | Risk Assessment / Forecasting |
Spatial Scale | Global / Hemispheric |
Regional | |
National / Cultural | |
Time Frame | Recent / Today |
Future | |
Methods | Modeling |
Policy Analysis and Formation | |
Integrated Assessment |
Specialties of Philippe Thalmann:
Design and acceptance of green taxes; voluntary approaches; devising and modelling national and international climate policies; assessing the economic impacts of climate change and adaptation
Last update: 12/20/24
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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