Kateryna Holzer
Dr. Kateryna Holzer Senior Researcher Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law Law School University of Eastern Finland CH- Switzerland E-mail: katia.holzer(at)gmail.com Personal URL: link E-mail: katia.holzer(at)gmail.com Personal URL: link |
Programs in which Kateryna Holzer holds an official function:
IPCC-AR5-2013 |
Key Publications of Kateryna Holzer (up to ten) :
K. Holzer, Carbon-related Border Adjustment and WTO Law (a book published by Edward Elgar, 2014).
K. Holzer: Emissions trading and WTO law, in S. Weishaar and E. Woerdman (eds.) Research Handbook on Emissions Trading (Edward Elgar, forthcoming).
K. Holzer and T. Cottier, 2015: Addressing Climate Change under Preferential Trade Agreements: Towards Alignment of Carbon Standards under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Global Environmental Change, special issue.
I. Espa and K. Holzer, 2015: Negotiating an energy deal under TTIP: Drivers and impediments to US shale exports to Europe. Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, 43(4).
T. Cottier, K. Holzer, R. Liechti-McKee, T. Naef, 2014: Ökologische Anforderungen an das Inverkehrbringen von Produkten: USG-Revision und Spielräume im internationalen Recht. Umweltrecht in der Praxis, 6.
J. de Sepibus and K. Holzer, 2014: The UNFCCC at a crossroads: Can increased involvement of business and industry help rescue the multilateral climate regime. Carbon and Climate Law Review, issue 1.
K. Holzer and N. Shariff, 2012: The Inclusion of Border Carbon Adjustments in Preferential Trade Agreements: Policy Implications. Carbon and Climate Law Review, issue 3.
B. Karapinar and K. Holzer, 2012: Legal Implications of the Use of Export Taxes in Addressing Carbon Leakage: Competing Border Adjustment Measures. New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law, vol. 10.
P. Aerni, B. Boie, T. Cottier, K. Holzer, D. Jost, B. Karapinar, S. Matteotti, O. Nartova, T. Payosova, L. Rubini, A. Shingal, F. Temmerman, E. Xoplaki and S. Z. Bigdeli, 2010: Climate change and international law: exploring the linkages between human rights, environment, trade and investment, German Yearbook of International Law (GYIL), vol. 53.
K. Holzer, 2010: Proposals on carbon-related border adjustments: Prospects for WTO Compliance, Carbon and Climate Law Review, issue 1.
Expertise of Kateryna Holzer:
Expertise Category | Specific Expertise |
Expert Type | Applied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering |
Scope | Adaptation Measures to Change |
Mitigation of Change | |
Topic Atmosphere | Climate |
Air Pollution | |
Topic Economy/ResourceUse | Industry |
Trade / Globalisation | |
Energy | |
Topic Politics/Law | Mitigation / Prevention / Emission Reductions |
Adaptation | |
Conventions / Protections | |
Regionalization / Globalization | |
Topic Sustainability | Sustainability |
Methods | Data Collection - Documents, Archives |
Data Analysis | |
Literature Study | |
Policy Analysis and Formation |
Specialties of Kateryna Holzer:
Winner of a Swiss Global Change Day Poster Award 2011 (IHDP)
Last update: 11/22/21
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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