Axel Michaelowa

portrait Dr. Axel Michaelowa

Lehrstuhl Politische Ökonomie der Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer
Institut für Politikwissenschaften - Entwicklungspolitik
Universität Zürich
Affolternstrasse 56
CH-8050 Zürich

Phone: +41 (0) 433550073
Phone2: +41(0) 762324004
Fax: +41 (0) 44 634 52 69
E-mail: axel.michaelowa(at)
URL Institution:
Personal URL: link
Phone: +41 (0) 433550073
Phone2: +41(0) 762324004
Fax: +41 (0) 44 634 52 69
E-mail: axel.michaelowa(at)
URL Institution:
Personal URL: link

Programs in which Axel Michaelowa holds an official function:
IPCC-AR4-2007lead author
IPCC-AR5-2013lead author

Additional functions:
Lead Author IPCC 4th Assessment Report (WG III, Chapter 13), Lead Author IPCC 5th Assessment Report (WG III, Chapter 13)

Key Publications of Axel Michaelowa (up to ten) :
Michaelowa, Axel; Michaelowa, Katharina, Hermwille, Lukas; Espelage, Aglaja (2022): Towards net zero: Making baselines for international carbon markets dynamic by applying ‘ambition coefficients’, in: Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2022.2108366

Michaelowa, Axel; Hermwille, Lukas; Obergassel, Wolfgang; Butzengeiger, Sonja (2019): Additionality revisited: guarding the integrity of market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement, in: Climate Policy, 19, p. 1211–1224

Michaelowa, Axel; Shishlov, Igor; Brescia, Dario (2019): Evolution of international carbon markets: lessons for the Paris Agreement, in: WIREs Climate Change, 10, e613, DOI: 10.1002/wcc.613

Michaelowa, Axel; Allen, Myles; Fu Sha (2018): Policy instruments for limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C – can humanity rise to the challenge?, in: Climate Policy, 18, p. 275-286

Michaelowa, Katharina; Michaelowa, Axel (2017): The growing influence of the UNFCCC Secretariat on the clean development mechanism, in: International Environmental Agreements, 17, p. 247-269

Michaelowa, Katharina; Michaelowa, Axel (2017): Transnational Climate Governance Initiatives: Designed for Effective Climate Change Mitigation?, in: International Interactions, 43, p. 129-155

Michaelowa, Axel; Michaelowa, Katharina (2011): Coding Error or Statistical Embellishment? The Political Economy of Reporting Climate Aid, in: World Development, 39, p. 2010–2020

Michaelowa, Axel; Michaelowa, Katharina (2011):Old Wine in New Bottles? The Shift of Development Aid towards Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, in : Carbonier, Gilles (ed.): International Development Policy: Energy and Development, Palgrave Macmillan, London, p. 60-86

Michaelowa, Axel; Dransfeld, Björn (2008): Greenhouse gas benefits of fighting obesity, in: Ecological Economics, 66, p. 298-308

Michaelowa, Axel; Jotzo, Frank (2005): Transaction costs, institutional rigidities and the size of the clean development mechanism, in: Energy Policy, 33, p. 511-523

Expertise of Axel Michaelowa:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeResearch Interface / Management
ScopeAdaptation Measures to Change
Mitigation of Change
Topic Economy/ResourceUseEconomy / Resource Use
Topic Politics/LawPolitics / Law
Mitigation / Prevention / Emission Reductions
Conventions / Protections
Topic Culture/HistoryCulture / History
Topic HealthHealth
Topic Risk & Disaster ManagementTopic Risk and Disaster Management
Time FramePast
Recent / Today
MethodsLiterature Study
Policy Analysis and Formation
Collaboration with developing and transition countries ; Capacity Building

Specialties of Axel Michaelowa:
Design of market mechanisms (Article 6) under Paris Agreement, especially baseline methodologies and additionality determination. Kyoto Mechanisms (CDM, JI, international emissions trading). National climate policy and interest groups. Development of the global climate policy regime. Synergies between mitigation and adaptation measures.
  • Entwicklung effizienter Anpassungspolitikinstrumente auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene

  • Übertragung der Erfahrung aus der Entwicklung von Minderungspolitiken auf Anpassungspolitiken

  • Operationalisierung von Kriterien und Indikatoren für die Auswahl von Anpassungsprojekten

  • Analyse der internationalen Verhandlungen im Rahmen der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention

  • Synergien und negative Wechselwirkungen zwischen Emissionsreduktion/CO2-Speicherung und Anpassung

  • Marktmechanismen zur Förderung der Anpassung

  • Anpassung zwischen privatem und öffentlichem Gut

    Last update: 11/30/22
    Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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