Global Ocean Observing System

Type of Structure: network / framework activity
Regional Scope: global
Parent Organisations: WCP, WMO.UN, IOC.UNESCO, UNEP.UN, ICSU
Child Organisations:
No more in operation: IGOS
Duration : 1991 to present
Contact Address: no office contact defined

General information and objectives

GOOS is aimed at establishing a global framework for systematic ocean observations to meet the needs of a wide range of users. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 1993 by ICSU, WMO and the IOC recognizing the initiative of the IOC to create an operational Global Ocean Observing System for the purpose of (ICSU, 1995):
  • collecting comprehensive information on the properties and variability of the Earth’s ocean system;
  • assisting in the detection of climate change and assessing its impact:
  • providing a basis for the development of national and international policies for resource management, coastal development and management:
  • assessing and preserving the health of the ocean;
  • promoting related capacity-building in ocean science and its applications.

about GOOS

Last update: 4/27/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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