Inter - American Institute for Global Change Research
Inter - amerikanisches Institut für Global Change Forschung

Type of Structure: network / framework activity
Regional Scope: Regional in the area: America
Parent Organisations: inter-governmental
Child Organisations:
Duration : 1992 to present
Contact Address: no office contact defined

General information and objectives

The IAI is an intergovernmental organization supported by 19 countries in the Americas dedicated to pursuing the principles of scientific excellence, international cooperation, and the open exchange of scientific information to increase the understanding of global change phenomena and their socio-economic implications. The IAI pursues the principle of scientific excellence, international cooperation and the full and open exchange of scientific information relevant to global change.

With the recognition for the need to better understand the natural and social processes which drive large scale environmental change, the IAI encourages interactive exchanges between scientists and policy makers. The goal of the IAI is to augment the scientific capacity of the region and to provide information in a useful and timely manner to policy makers. Its primary objective is to encourage research beyond the scope of national programs by advancing comparative and focused studies based on scientific issues important to the region as a whole.

For further details, link to the IAI Home Page

Last update: 4/27/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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