Integrated History of People on Earth Project

Type of Structure: program
Regional Scope: global
Parent Organisations: FutureEarth, IHDP
Child Organisations:
Duration : 2009 to present
Contact Address: no office contact defined

General information and objectives

Human history has traditionally been cast in terms of the rise and fall of great civilizations, wars, and specific human achievements. This history leaves out the important ecological and climate contexts that shaped and mediated these events. Human history and earth system history have traditionally been developed independently, with little interaction among the academic communities. Therefore, separate methods of describing these histories have been developed, and there have been few attempts to integrate these histories and information across these fields of study. Recent recognition that current earth system changes are strongly associated with the changes in the coupled human-environment system make the integration of human history and earth system history an important step in understanding the factors leading to global change and in developing coping and adaptation strategies for the future.
about IHOPE

Last update: 4/27/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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