World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development


Type of Structure: committee / commission
Regional Scope: global
Parent Organisations: UN
Child Organisations:
Duration : 1995 to 1997 COMPLETED
Contact Address: no office contact defined

General information and objectives

The commission's working panels:
Panel I: Sustainable Equitable Use and Management of Forests
Panel II: Forest Products, Trade and the Environment
Panel III: Finance, International Agreements and International Institutions

The commission has created:

An independent Science Council of leading global scientists
  • How much forest is necessary to maintain our global habitat?

  • What will be the impact of global warming on the biodiversity of forests and human welfare?

  • How can scientific research contribute to maintaining and increasing the productivity of forests in ways that are both socially and ecologically acceptable?

    A Policy Advisory Group of leading global forest policy and environmental researchers

  • How will a doubling of the world population and expanding economic development affect global patterns of forest products trade?

  • How can policy constraints to expansion of trade be eliminated while forest environmental benefits are preserved?

  • How can we improve understanding of the negative impact of inappropriate government taxation and subsidy policies that are an underlying cause of deforestation?

    Last update: 5/6/22
    Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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