Knowledge, Learning and Societal Change

Type of Structure: program
Regional Scope: global
Parent Organisations: IHDP
Child Organisations:
Duration : 2011 to present
Contact Address: no office contact defined

holding an official function in KLASICA

General information and objectives

KLASIC aims to better understand and explain the interplay between actions, knowledge, and learning, so that steps can be taken to help societies move in more sustainable directions. The mission of the KLASIC project is to contribute toward building a sustainable future by identifying, understanding, and enabling the effective use of the mechanisms and levers of behavioral and societal change that are linked with knowledge production and learning processes. This will be done through the combined efforts of a collaborative community of researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders. KLASIC will focus particularly on climate change, stemming biodiversity loss, and increasing equity in resource allocation.
By working with policy makers, community and institutional actors, and individuals at many levels and regions, KLASIC will become a platform for scientists and stakeholders to use the insights developed by KLASIC to actively support more sustainable practice. It will also be responsible for capacity building workshops, mentoring, and support for grant writing for researchers in particular in developing countries.

KLASIC was formerly named KLSC.

Last update: 5/5/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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