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ProClim- Alumni

International Programs/Organisations (481 records)

Abbr. Name Parent organisation
ACCC Austrian Council on Climate Change governmental
AG-Strati Swiss Committee for Stratigraphy PF-Geosciences.scnat
AGS Alliance for Global Sustainability ETHZ, MIT, Univ. Tokyo, Chalmers
AGU American Geophysical Union USA scientific union
AIMES Analysis, Integration and Modeling of the Earth System FutureEarth, IGBP
AISH Internationale Gesellschaft für historische Alpenforschung
ALPARC Reseau Alpin des Espaces Protégés
Alpe-Adria Working Community Alps-Adriatic
AMP Applications of Meteorology Programme WMO.UN
APN Asian - Pacific Network inter-governmental
AREP Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme WMO.UN
ARGE-ALP Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpen
BIATEX Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Pollutants EUROTRAC.EUREKA, EU
BiodivERsA Biodiversa ERAnet
BR-Abisco Biosphere Reserve Abisco
BR-Araucarias Biosphere Reserve Araucarias
BR-Berchtesgaden Biosphere Reserve Berchtesgaden
BR-Carpathian Biosphere Reserve Carpathian
BR-Changbaishan Biosphere Reserve Changbaishan Mountain Nature Reserve
BR-Cinturon-Andino Biosphere Reserve Cinturón Andino
BR-Denali Biosphere Reserve Denali
BR-Glacier-National-Park Biosphere Reserve Glacier National Park
BR-Gossenkoller-See Biosphere Reserve Gossenköller See
BR-Grosses-Walsertal Biosphere Reserve Grosses Walsertal
BR-Gurgler-Kamm Biosphere Reserve Gurgler Kamm
BR-Huascaran Biosphere Reserve Huascaran
BR-Issyk-Kul Biosphere Reserve Issyk-Kul
BR-Katunski Biosphere Reserve Katunski
BR-Katunsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve Katunsky
BR-Kosciusko Biosphere Reserve Kosciusko
BR-Kruger-to-Canyons Biosphere Reserve Kruger to Canyons
BR-La-Campana-Penuelas Biosphere Reserve La Campana-Penuelas
BR-Mont-Ventoux Biosphere Reserve Mont Ventoux
BR-Mount-Kenya Biosphere Reserve Mount Kenya
BR-Nanda-Devi Biosphere Reserve Nanda Devi
BR-Niwot-Ridge Biosphere Reserve Niwot Ridge
BR-Oasis-du-Sud-Marocain Biosphere Reserve Oasis du Sud Marocain
BR-Olympic Biosphere Reserve Olympic
BR-Rhoen Biospherenpark Rhön
BR-Riding-Mountain Riding Montain Biosphere Reserve
BR-Salzburger-Lungau-Kärntner-Nockberge UNESO Biosphärenpark Salzburger Lungau und Kärtner Nockberge
BR-Schwaebische-Alb Biosphere Reserve Schwaebische Alb
BR-Sierra-Nevada Sierra Nevada Natural Park, National Park and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
BR-Sierra-Nevada-de-Santa-Marta Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Biosphere Reserve
BR-Sikhote-Alinsky Biosphere Reserve Sikhote-Alinsky
BR-Tassili-NAjjer Biosphere Reserve Tassili N’Ajjer
BR-Torres-del-Paine Biosphere Reserve Torres del Paine
BR-Uvs-Nuur-Basin-Cluster Biosphere Reserve Uvs Nuur Basin Cluster
BR-Waterton Biosphere Reserve Waterton
BR-Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald
CCAFS Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security FutureEarth
CCCA Climate Change Centre Austria
CEOS Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
CGCP Canadian Global Change Program Royal Society of Canada
CHR International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine Basin Germany, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland
CIE International Commission on Illumination
CIPRA Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes
CIRCLE Climate Impact Research Coordination for a Larger Europe EraNET
CLIC Climate and Cryosphere WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC
CLIPS Climate Information and Prediction Services
CLIVAR Climate Variability and Predictability WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC
Club-Alpin-Français Club Alpin Français
CORDEX Coordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) WCRP
COST European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical research European initiative
COST-A28 Human Rights and Foreign Policy' approved and ready for signatures COST
COST-C20 Urban knowledge arena
COST-C27 Sustainable Development Policies for Minor Deprived Communities COST
COST-CM0903 Utilisation of Biomass for Sustainable Fuels & Chemicals (UBIOCHEM) cost
COST-E35 Fracture mechanics and micromechanics of wood and wood composites with regard to COST
COST-E40 Innovative utilisation and products of large dimensioned timber including the wh COST
COST-E41 Forests, Trees and Human Health and Wellbeing COST
COST-E47 European network for vegetation management: towards environmental sustainability COST
COST-E48 The limits of paper recycling COST
COST-E49 Processes and performance of wood-based panels COST
COST-ES0803 Developing Space Weather Products and Services in Europe COST
COST-ES0805 The Terrestrial Biosphere in the Earth System COST
COST-ES0806 Stable Isotopes in Biosphere-Atmosphere-Earth System Research (SIBAE) COST
COST-ES0907 INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records - 60,000 to 8000 years ago COST
COST-ES1004 Earth System Science and Environmental Management (ESSEM) COST
COST-ES1005 Towards a more complete assessment of the impact of solar variability on the Ear COST
COST-FP0803 Belowground carbon turnover in European forests COST
COST-FP0903 Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment COST
COST-IC0804 Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems COST
COST-IS0807 Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS) cost
COST-IS1007 Investigating Cultural Sustainability COST
COST-TU0803 Cities Regrowing Smaller – Fostering Knowledge on Regeneration Strategies COST
COST285 Modelling and Simulation Tools for Research in Emerging Multiservice Telecommuni COST
COST286 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in Diffused Communication Systems COST
COST287 Gesture Controlled Audio Systems COST
COST288 Nanoscale and ultrafast photonics COST
COST289 Spectrum and Power Efficient Broadband Communications COST
COST356 Towards the definition of a measurable environmentally sustainable transp. (EST) COST
COST529 Efficient Lighting for the 21st Century COST
COST543 Research and Development of Bioethanol Processing for Fuel Cells COST
COST634 On- and Off-site Environmental Impacts of Runoff and Erosion. COST
COST636 Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle COST
COST637 Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water COST
COST639 Greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing climate and landuse (BurnOut) COST
COST724 Developing the basis for monitoring, modelling and predicting Space Weather. COST
COST726 Long term changes and climatology of UV radiation over Europe. COST
COST727 Measuring and forecasting atmospheric icing structures. COST
COST728 Meso-scale meteorological modelling for air pollution and dispersion application COST
COST729 Assessing + managing nitrogen fluxes in the atmosphere-biosphere syst. in Europe COST
COST730 Universal thermal climate index UTCI to assess the thermal environment of humans COST
COST731 Propagation of uncertainty in advanced meteo-hydrological forecast systems COST
COST732 Quality assurance and improvement of micro-scale meteorological models COST
COST735 Tools for Assessing Global Air Sea Fluxes of Climate and AirPollution Relevant COST
COST859 Phytotechnologies for sustainable land use management and food chain safety COST
COST862 Bacterial toxins for insect control COST
COST863 Euroberry Research: from genomics to sustainable production, quality and health COST
COST871 Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe COST
COST927 Thermally processed foods: possible health implications. COST
COST929 A European Network for Environmental and Food Virology COST
COTRAO Communauté de travail des Alpes Occidentales
DIVERSITAS International Programme on Biodiversity Sciences IUBS.ICSU, SCOPE.ICSU, UNESCO.UN
EASAC European Academies Science Advisory Council
EASAC-Energy EASAC-Energy Program EASAC
ecoHEALTH Biodiversity and emerging infectious diseases FutureEarth,
ECSN European Climate Support Network National Meteorological Services, EUMETNET
ECTP European Construction Technology Platform EU
EEAC European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC)
EEOS European Earth Observation System
EMF European Mountain Forum NGO
EMU European Mineralogical Union ICSU.IUGS
EPC European Paleo Climate Program ESF
EPICA European Program for Ice Coring in Antarctica
ESF European Science Foundation gouvernmental
ESG Earth System Governance FutureEarth, IHDP.ISSC, .ICSU
ESLO European Society of Limnology and Oceanography
ETP Education and Training Programme WMO.UN
ETSAP Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program IEA
EU-Energy-6thFP Energy (EU FP6) EU-FP6
EU-Transport-6thFP Transport (EU FP6) EU-FP6
EUMETNET Network of the European Meteorological Services
EUREKA European Research Coordinating Agency bilateral agreements
EuroForestiers Fédération Européenne des Communes Forestiers
EUROTRAC European Exp. on Transport and Transformation of Trace Gases in the Troposphere EUREKA
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization UN
FutureEarth Future Earth ICSU, ISSC
GAW Global Atmosphere Watch WMO.UN GCOS
GCOS Global Climate Observing System WMO.UN, IOC.UNESCO, UNEP.UN, ICSU
GCP Global Carbon Project FutureEarth, ESSP
GEC-Programme Global Environmental Change Programme UK
GECHS Global Environmental Change and Human Security IHDP.ISSC, .ICSU
GEF Global Environment Facility
GEMS Global Environmental Monitoring System UNEP.UN
GENEMIS Generation of European Emission Data for Episodes EUROTRAC.EUREKA
GEO/GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems 47 nations, the EU and 25 international organizations
GEOWARN Geospatial warning systems Nisyros volcano (Greece)
GEWEX Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC
GHP GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel GEWEX.WCRP
GLOBE-International Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment
GLORIA Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments GTOS
GLP Global Land Project FutureEarth
GMBA Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment FutureEarth
GOOS Global Ocean Observing System WCP, WMO.UN, IOC.UNESCO, UNEP.UN, ICSU
GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre GEWEX.WCRP, ..ICSU, ..IOC
GRID Global Resource Information Database UNEP.UN
GTOS Global Terrestrial Observing System FAO.UN, ICSU, UNEP.UN, UNESCO.UN, WMO.UN
GWSP Global Water System Project FutureEarth, ESSP
HCM Human Capital Mobility EU
HFSJG Int. Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat
HWRP Hydrology and Water Resources Programme WMO.UN
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IAI Inter - American Institute for Global Change Research inter-governmental
IAMAP Internat. Assoc. for Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics IUGG.ICSU
IAMAS International Assoc. of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences IUGG
IAP Interacademy Pannel on International Issues
IASC International Arctic Science Committee
ICA-CMC Commission on Mountain Cartography International Cartographic Association
ICACGP Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution IAMAS
ICALPE International Center for Alpine Environments
ICSU International Council for Science
IDEAL International Decade of East African Lakes
IDMP International Daylight Measurement Program CIE
IEA International Energy Agency
IEF International Energy Foundation NGO
IETA International Emissions Trading Association
IGAC International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project FutureEarth, IGBP.ICSU
IGCP International Geological Correlation Programme UNESCO, IUGS
IGCP-Swiss-Comm Interdisciplinary Global Challenge Programme Swiss Committee IGCP, PF-Forum
IGFA International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research Informal Partnership of funding agencies
IGU International Geographical Union ICSU, ISSC
IHDP-A Austrian Human Dimensions Program
IHOPE Integrated History of People on Earth Project FutureEarth, IHDP
IHP International Hydrological Programme UNESCO.UN
IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis National Member Organizations
ILEAPS Integrated Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Processes Study FutureEarth, IGBP
ILTER International Long Term Ecosystem Research GTOS
IMBER Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research FutureEarth, IGBP, SCOR
INTAS Int. Assoc. for research promotion with the states of the former Soviet Union EU
IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO.UN
IPBES Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services UN.UNDP, .UNESCO, .UNEP, .FAO
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change WMO.UN, UNEP.UN
IRG Integrated Risk Governance Project FutureEarth,
IRMA INTERREG Rhine-Meuse Activities EU
IRMA-SPONGE Interreg Rhine-Meuse Activity on Flood Risk IRMA.EU
ISC-LK International Seismological Commision - Swiss Section
ISCAR International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps
ISCO International Soil Conservation Organization
ISDE International Society of Doctors for the Environment non governmental organisation
ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction UN
ISSC International Social Science Council
ITASE International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition
IUBS International Union of Biological Sciences ICSU
IUFRO International Union of Forestry Research Organizations ICSU
IUGG International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy ICSU
IUGS International Union of Geological Sciences ICSU
IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics ICSU
JOIDES Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling
KLASICA Knowledge, Learning and Societal Change IHDP
LOICZ Future Earth - Coasts FutureEarth, IGBP, IHDP
LOOP Limitation of Oxidant Production EUROTRAC.EUREKA
LOTRED-South-America LOTRED SA (Regional variability/Climate reconstruction for South America) PAGES
LTER-Eisenwurzen Long-term ecological research site Eisenwurzen
LTER-Tyrolean-Alps Long-term ecological research site Tyrolean Alps
LTER-Zöbelboden Long-term monitoring and research site Zöbelboden
MAB Man and the Biosphere Programme UNESCO.UN
MAIRS Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study FutureEarth
MIREN Mountain Invasion Research Network
MOST Management of Social Transformations UNESCO.UN
Mountain-Forum The Mountain Forum
MRI Global Change and Mountain Regions - Mounain Research Initiative
NASAC Network of African Science Academies
NKGCR National Committee on Global Change Research Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
ODP Ocean Drilling Program Multilateral (USA, GB, AUS, CDN, F, D, J, CH through ESF)
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
ONC Office Nationale de la Chasse
others-.. other programs
PA-Adamello Regional Park Adamello
PA-Adamello-Brenta Nature Park Adamello Brenta
PA-Aiguilles-Rouges Nature Reserve Aiguilles Rouge
PA-Almenland Nature Park Almenland
PA-Alpe-Veglia-Devero Nature Park Alpe Veglia e Alpe Devero
PA-Alpi-Marittime Nature Park Alpi Marittime
PA-Alpilles Regional Nature Park Alpilles
PA-Alta-Valsesia Nature Park Alta Valsesia
PA-Alto-Garda-Bresciano Regional Nature Park Alto Garda Bresciano
PA-Bauges Nature Park Bauges
PA-Bessa Special Nature Reserve La Bessa
PA-Boschi-Giovetto-Palline Nature Reserve Boschi del Giovetto di Palline
PA-Buchberg Nature Park Buchberg
PA-Campo-Fiori Regional Park Campo dei Fiori
PA-Canavese Parks and Nature Reserves of Canavese
PA-Chartreuse Nature Park Chartreuse
PA-Cioclovina Cioclovina Nature Park
PA-Colli-Bergamo Nature Park Colli di Bergamo
PA-Contamines-Monjoie Nature Reserve Contamines-Montjoie
PA-Cuneesi Parks and Nature Reserves Cuneesi
PA-da-Serra-Estrela Serra Estrela Nature Park
PA-Djerdap Djerdap National Park (IUSN IV)
PA-Dobratsch Nature Park Dobratsch
PA-Dolomiti-Ampezzo Regional Nature Park Dolomiti d'Ampezzo
PA-Dolomiti-Friulane Nature Park Dolomiti Friulane
PA-Dürrenstein Nature Reserve Dürrenstein
PA-Ehrwalder-Becken Nature Park Ehrwalder Becken
PA-Eichenhain Nature Park Eichenhain
PA-Eisenwurzen Nature Park Eisenwurzen
PA-Falkenstein-Schwarzau Nature Park Falkenstein- Schwarzau im Gebirge
PA-Fanes-Sennes-Prags Nature Park Fanes-Senes-Braies
PA-Föhrenberge Nature Park Föhrenberge
PA-Geschriebenstein Nature Park Geschriebenstein
PA-Gran-Bosco-Salbertrand Nature Park Gran Bosco di Salbertrand
PA-Grands-Causses Nature Park Grands Causses
PA-Haute-Chaîne-du-Jura Protected Area Haute Chaîne du Jura
PA-Haute-Provence Geological Nature Reserve Haute-Provence
PA-Haute-Savoie Protected Area Haute-Savoie
PA-Hohe-Wand Nature Park Hohe Wand
PA-Ilgaz Ilgaz Mountain National Park
PA-Incisioni-Rupestri-Ceto-Cimbergo-Paspardo Regional Reserve Incisioni Rupestri Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo
PA-Iron-Gate Iron Gate Natural Park
PA-Island-2000-Trust Island 2000 Trust Protected Area
PA-Jingganshan Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve
PA-Kaisergebirge Nature Reserve Kaisergebirge
PA-Kakamega-forest Kakamega Forest National Reserve
PA-Kanchenjunga Kanchenjunga Conservation Area
PA-Karwendel Alpine Park Karwendel
PA-Kaunergrat Nature Park Kaunergrat
PA-Kozjanski Kozjanski Park
PA-Krajinski-Logarska-Dolina Krajinski Park Logarska Dolina
PA-Küre-Mountains Küre Mountains National Park
PA-Laghi-Avigliana Nature Park Laghi di Avigliana
PA-Lago-Candia Nature Park Lago di Candia
PA-Lago-Maggiore Parks and Nature Reserves of Lago Maggiore
PA-Landseer-Berge Nature Park Landseer Berge
PA-Lessinia Regional Nature Park Lessinia
PA-Lombardo-Ticino Regional Park Lombardo del Ticino
PA-Lubéron Regional Nature Park Lubéron
PA-Magas-Bakony Magas High Bakony Landscape Protected Area
PA-Malvern-Hills- PA Malvern Hills Conservators
PA-Mont-Avic Nature Park Mont Avic
PA-Mont-Mars Nature Reserve Mont Mars
PA-Mont-Ventoux Biosphere Reserve Mont Ventoux UNESCO
PA-Monte-Barro Nature Park Monte Barro
PA-Monte-Fenera Nature Park Monte Fenera
PA-Montevecchia-Valle-Curone Regional Park Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone
PA-Mount-Taibai Mount Taibai National Nature Reserve
PA-Mürzer-Oberland Nature Park Mürzer Oberland
PA-Nagelfluhkette Nature Park Nagelfluhkette
PA-Oetscher-Tormäuer Nature Park Oetscher-Tormäuer
PA-Oetztal Nature Park Oetztal
PA-Orobie-Bergamasche Nature Park Orobie Bergamasche
PA-Orobie-Valtellinesi Regional Park Orobie Valtellinesi
PA-Orsiera-Rocciavrè Nature Park Orsiera Rocciavrè
PA-Ossola Aree Protette dell'Ossola
PA-Palude-Brabbia Regional Reserve Palude Brabbia
PA-Paneveggio-Pale-San-Martino Nature Park Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino
PA-Pian-Gembro Nature Reserve Pian Gembro
PA-Pian-Spagna-Lago-Mezzola Nature Reserve Pian di Spagna e Lago di Mezzola
PA-Po-Cuneese Protected Area of the Po River- Section Cuneese
PA-Po-Torinese Protected Area of the Po River- Section Torinese
PA-Pöllauer-Tal Nature Park Pöllauer Tal
PA-Praded National Nature Reserve Praded
PA-Prealpi-Giulie Nature Park Prealpi Giulie
PA-Puez-Geisler Nature Park Puez-Geisler
PA-Purkersdorf-Sandstein-Wienerwald Nature Park Purkersdorf- Sandstein Wienerwald
PA-Queyras Regional Nature Park Queyras
PA-Rhône-Alpes Protected Area Rhône-Alpes
PA-Riedingtal Nature Park Riedingtal
PA-Rieserferner-Ahrn Nature Park Rieserferner Ahrn
PA-Rosengarten Nature Reserve Rosengarten
PA-Sabalan Sabalan National Natural Monument
PA-Sacro-Monte-Ghiffa Special Nature Reserve Sacro Monte della SS. Trinità di Ghiffa
PA-Sarntaler-Alpen Nature Park Sarntaler Alps
PA-Schlern Natural Park Schlern
PA-Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park Schlern Rosengarten
PA-Scottish-Natural-Heritage Scottish Natural Heritage
PA-Seebenstein Nature Park Seebenstein
PA-Serra-Malcata Serra Malcata Nature Reserve
PA-Sextner-Dolomiten Naturpark Sextner Dolomiten in den Gemeinden Toblach, Sexten und Innichen
PA-Sierningtal-Flatzer-Wand Nature Park Sierningtal-Flatzer Wand
PA-Sölktäler Nature Park Sölktäler
PA-South-Tyrol Nature Parks South Tyrol
PA-Sparbach Nature Park Sparbach
PA-Spina-Verde-Como Regional Park Spina Verde di Como
PA-Steirische-Eisenwurzen Nature Park and UNESCO Global Geopark Steirische Eisenwurzen
PA-Stubaier-Alpen Ruhegebiet Tiroler Alpen Tiroler Schutzgebiete
PA-Texelgruppe Naturpark Texelgruppe
PA-Tiroler-Lech Nature Park Tiroler Lech
PA-Torricchio Torricchio Nature Reserve
PA-Trudner-Horn Naturpark Trudner Horn
PA-Tunca-valley Tunca Valley Natural Park
PA-Untere-Marchauen Naturschutzgebiet Untere Marchauen
PA-Untersberg Nature Park Untersberg
PA-Val-Troncea Nature Park Val Troncea
PA-Valle-Pesio-Tanaro Nature Park alta Valle Pesio e Tanaro
PA-Valli-San-Antonio Regional Reserve Valli di San Antonio
PA-Vercors Regional Nature Park Vercors
PA-Verdon Regional Nature Park Verdon
PA-Vilsalpsee Nature Park Vilsalpsee
PA-Weissbach Nature Park Weissbach
PA-Weissensee Nature Park Weissensee
PA-Zillertaler-Hauptkamm Protected Area Zillertaler Hauptkamm
PA-Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen Nature Park Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen
Pacific-Institute Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security NGO
PAGES Past Global Changes FutureEarth, IGBP
PAGES-Arctic2k PAGES Arctic2k Working Group PAGES
PC-UK-Countryside-Wales Countryside Council for Wales
PC-UK-Uplands-Conservation Uplands Lead Conservation Network
PECS Program on Ecosystem Change and Society FutureEarth
PEW-Center Pew Center on Global Climate Change NGO
PN-Aggtelek Aggtelek National Park
PN-Aiguestortes Aigüestortes National Park
PN-Balaton-Uplands Balaton Uplands National Park
PN-Bayerischer-Wald National Park Bayerischer Wald
PN-Berchtesgaden National Park Berchtesgaden
PN-Brecon-Beacons Brecon Beacons National Park
PN-Bukk Bükk National Park
PN-del-Teide Teide National Park
PN-della-Majella Parco Nazionale della Majella
PN-Dolomiti-Bellunesi National Park Dolomiti Bellunesi
PN-Donau-Auen National Park Donau Auen
PN-Ecrins National Park Ecrins
PN-Ferto-Hansag Fertö Hansag National Park
PN-Gesause National Park Gesäuse
PN-Gran-Paradiso National Park Gran Paradiso
PN-Gran-Sasso Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga
PN-Gran-Sasso-Laga Parco Nazionale Gran Sasso-Laga
PN-Harz National Park Harz
PN-Hohe-Tauern National Park Hohe Tauern
PN-Kalkalpen National Park Kalkalpen
PN-Köprülü-Canyon Koprülü Canyon National Park
PN-Lake-District Lake District National Park
PN-Mala-Fatra Mala Fatra National Park
PN-Mercantour National Park Mercantour
PN-Monte-Perdido Monte Perdido National Park
PN-Mount-Nemrut Mount Nemrut National Park
PN-Muranska-planina Muranska planina National Park
PN-Neusiedler-See-Seewinkel Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel
PN-North-York-Moors North York Moors National Park
PN-Ordesa Ordesa National Park
PN-Peak-District Peak District National Park
PN-Pelister Pelister National Park
PN-Picos-de-Europa Picos de Europa National Park
PN-Pieniny Pieniny National Park
PN-Pirin Pirin National Park
PN-Rezetat Rezetat National Park
PN-Rwenzori-Mountains Rwenzori Mountains National Park
PN-Saechsische-Schweiz Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz
PN-Sagarmatha Sagarmatha National Park
PN-Simien-Mountain Simien Mountain Natioanl Park
PN-Snowdonia Snowdonia National Park
PN-Stelvio Stevio National Park
PN-Südtirol South Tyrol Natural Parks
PN-Tatra Tatra National Park
PN-Thayatal Nationalpark Thayatal
PN-Triglav National Park Triglav
PN-Tusheti Tusheti Protected Areas
PN-Una Una National Park
PN-Val-Grande National Park Val Grande
PN-Vanoise National Park Vanoise
PN-Velka-Fatra Velka Fatra National Park
PN-Vesuvio National Park Vesuvius
PONAM Polar North Atlantic Margins ESF
SCAR Scientific Commission on Antarctic Research ICSU
SCOPE Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment UNESCO.UN
SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research ICSU
SCOSTEP Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics ICSU
SOLAS Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study FutureEarth, IGBP, SCOR, WCRP, CACGP
SPARC Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC
START Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training ESSP, IGBP.ICSU, WCRP.WCP, IHDP.ISSC
START-Africa START Pan-African Committee START
START-Oceania START Oceania Regional Committee START
START-South-Asia Start Southern Asia Regional Committee START
START-Southeast-Asia START Southeast Asia Regional Committee START
START-Temp-East-Asia START Temperate East Asia Regional Committee START
STEP.SCOSTEP Solar-terrestrial Energy Programme SCOSTEP.ICSU
STRN Sustainability Transitions Research Network member driven
TCP Technical Co-operation Programme WMO.UN
THORPEX Global Atmospheric Research Program WWRP.WMO
TOR tropospheric Ozon Research EUROTRAC.EUREKA
UCS Union of Concerned Scientists – Sound Science for a Safer Future
UN United Nations
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UN
UNDP United Nations Development Programme UN
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UN
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UN
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UN
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UN
WASWC World Association of Soil and Water Conservation FAO.UN, USAID.USA, ISCO, others
WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development
WBGU German Advisory Council on Global Change gouvernmental
WCDMP World Climate Data and Monitoring Program WCP.WMO, ICSU, UNEP
WCIRP World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Program WCP.WMO, UNEP.UN, ICSU, IOC.UNESCO
WCP World Climate Program WMO.UN
WCRP World Climate Research Program WCP.WMO, ICSU, IOC.UNESCO
WCSP World Climate Services Programme WCP.WMO.UN, UNEP.UN, ICSU
WEF World Economic Forum non governmental
WegCenter Wegener Center
WGCM Working Group on Coupled Modelling CLIVAR
WGMS World Glacier Monitoring Service
WGNE Working Group on Numerical Experimentation WCRP.WCP.WMO.UN
WGRC Working Group on Regional Climate (WGRC) wcrp
WGSF Working Group on Surface Fluxes WCRP
WH-Dadia UNESCO World Heritage Dadia
WH-Dolomiti UNESCO World Heritage the Dolomites
WH-Mt-Kenya UNESCO World Heritage Mount Kenya
WH-Mt-Kilimanjaro UNESCO World Heritage Mount Kilimanjaro
WH-Skocjanske-Jame Unesco World Heritage Skocjanske Caves Park
WH-Western-Caucasus UNESCO World Heritage Western Caucasus
WH-Xinjiang-Tianshan Xinjiang Tianshan World Herigage Site
WHO World Health Organisation UN
WHYCOS World Hydrological Cycle Observing System HWRP.WMO, World-Bank
WKG Wissenschaftliches Komitee Gebirgsforschung
WMO World Meteorological Organisation UN
World-Bank World Bank
WRMC-BSRN World Radiation Monitoring Center - Baseline Surface Radiation Network GEWEX.WCRP
WWI World Watch Institute non governmental organisation
WWRP World Weather Research Programme WMO
WWW World Weather Watch Program WMO.UN

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International Programs/Organisations (481 records)

Abbr. Name Parent organisation
ACCC Austrian Council on Climate Change governmental
AG-Strati Swiss Committee for Stratigraphy PF-Geosciences.scnat
AGS Alliance for Global Sustainability ETHZ, MIT, Univ. Tokyo, Chalmers
AGU American Geophysical Union USA scientific union
AIMES Analysis, Integration and Modeling of the Earth System FutureEarth, IGBP
AISH Internationale Gesellschaft für historische Alpenforschung
ALPARC Reseau Alpin des Espaces Protégés
Alpe-Adria Working Community Alps-Adriatic
AMP Applications of Meteorology Programme WMO.UN
APN Asian - Pacific Network inter-governmental
AREP Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme WMO.UN
ARGE-ALP Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpen
BIATEX Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Pollutants EUROTRAC.EUREKA, EU
BiodivERsA Biodiversa ERAnet
BR-Abisco Biosphere Reserve Abisco
BR-Araucarias Biosphere Reserve Araucarias
BR-Berchtesgaden Biosphere Reserve Berchtesgaden
BR-Carpathian Biosphere Reserve Carpathian
BR-Changbaishan Biosphere Reserve Changbaishan Mountain Nature Reserve
BR-Cinturon-Andino Biosphere Reserve Cinturón Andino
BR-Denali Biosphere Reserve Denali
BR-Glacier-National-Park Biosphere Reserve Glacier National Park
BR-Gossenkoller-See Biosphere Reserve Gossenköller See
BR-Grosses-Walsertal Biosphere Reserve Grosses Walsertal
BR-Gurgler-Kamm Biosphere Reserve Gurgler Kamm
BR-Huascaran Biosphere Reserve Huascaran
BR-Issyk-Kul Biosphere Reserve Issyk-Kul
BR-Katunski Biosphere Reserve Katunski
BR-Katunsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve Katunsky
BR-Kosciusko Biosphere Reserve Kosciusko
BR-Kruger-to-Canyons Biosphere Reserve Kruger to Canyons
BR-La-Campana-Penuelas Biosphere Reserve La Campana-Penuelas
BR-Mont-Ventoux Biosphere Reserve Mont Ventoux
BR-Mount-Kenya Biosphere Reserve Mount Kenya
BR-Nanda-Devi Biosphere Reserve Nanda Devi
BR-Niwot-Ridge Biosphere Reserve Niwot Ridge
BR-Oasis-du-Sud-Marocain Biosphere Reserve Oasis du Sud Marocain
BR-Olympic Biosphere Reserve Olympic
BR-Rhoen Biospherenpark Rhön
BR-Riding-Mountain Riding Montain Biosphere Reserve
BR-Salzburger-Lungau-Kärntner-Nockberge UNESO Biosphärenpark Salzburger Lungau und Kärtner Nockberge
BR-Schwaebische-Alb Biosphere Reserve Schwaebische Alb
BR-Sierra-Nevada Sierra Nevada Natural Park, National Park and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
BR-Sierra-Nevada-de-Santa-Marta Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Biosphere Reserve
BR-Sikhote-Alinsky Biosphere Reserve Sikhote-Alinsky
BR-Tassili-NAjjer Biosphere Reserve Tassili N’Ajjer
BR-Torres-del-Paine Biosphere Reserve Torres del Paine
BR-Uvs-Nuur-Basin-Cluster Biosphere Reserve Uvs Nuur Basin Cluster
BR-Waterton Biosphere Reserve Waterton
BR-Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald
CCAFS Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security FutureEarth
CCCA Climate Change Centre Austria
CEOS Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
CGCP Canadian Global Change Program Royal Society of Canada
CHR International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine Basin Germany, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland
CIE International Commission on Illumination
CIPRA Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes
CIRCLE Climate Impact Research Coordination for a Larger Europe EraNET
CLIC Climate and Cryosphere WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC
CLIPS Climate Information and Prediction Services
CLIVAR Climate Variability and Predictability WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC
Club-Alpin-Français Club Alpin Français
CORDEX Coordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) WCRP
COST European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical research European initiative
COST-A28 Human Rights and Foreign Policy' approved and ready for signatures COST
COST-C20 Urban knowledge arena
COST-C27 Sustainable Development Policies for Minor Deprived Communities COST
COST-CM0903 Utilisation of Biomass for Sustainable Fuels & Chemicals (UBIOCHEM) cost
COST-E35 Fracture mechanics and micromechanics of wood and wood composites with regard to COST
COST-E40 Innovative utilisation and products of large dimensioned timber including the wh COST
COST-E41 Forests, Trees and Human Health and Wellbeing COST
COST-E47 European network for vegetation management: towards environmental sustainability COST
COST-E48 The limits of paper recycling COST
COST-E49 Processes and performance of wood-based panels COST
COST-ES0803 Developing Space Weather Products and Services in Europe COST
COST-ES0805 The Terrestrial Biosphere in the Earth System COST
COST-ES0806 Stable Isotopes in Biosphere-Atmosphere-Earth System Research (SIBAE) COST
COST-ES0907 INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records - 60,000 to 8000 years ago COST
COST-ES1004 Earth System Science and Environmental Management (ESSEM) COST
COST-ES1005 Towards a more complete assessment of the impact of solar variability on the Ear COST
COST-FP0803 Belowground carbon turnover in European forests COST
COST-FP0903 Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment COST
COST-IC0804 Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems COST
COST-IS0807 Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS) cost
COST-IS1007 Investigating Cultural Sustainability COST
COST-TU0803 Cities Regrowing Smaller – Fostering Knowledge on Regeneration Strategies COST
COST285 Modelling and Simulation Tools for Research in Emerging Multiservice Telecommuni COST
COST286 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in Diffused Communication Systems COST
COST287 Gesture Controlled Audio Systems COST
COST288 Nanoscale and ultrafast photonics COST
COST289 Spectrum and Power Efficient Broadband Communications COST
COST356 Towards the definition of a measurable environmentally sustainable transp. (EST) COST
COST529 Efficient Lighting for the 21st Century COST
COST543 Research and Development of Bioethanol Processing for Fuel Cells COST
COST634 On- and Off-site Environmental Impacts of Runoff and Erosion. COST
COST636 Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle COST
COST637 Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water COST
COST639 Greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing climate and landuse (BurnOut) COST
COST724 Developing the basis for monitoring, modelling and predicting Space Weather. COST
COST726 Long term changes and climatology of UV radiation over Europe. COST
COST727 Measuring and forecasting atmospheric icing structures. COST
COST728 Meso-scale meteorological modelling for air pollution and dispersion application COST
COST729 Assessing + managing nitrogen fluxes in the atmosphere-biosphere syst. in Europe COST
COST730 Universal thermal climate index UTCI to assess the thermal environment of humans COST
COST731 Propagation of uncertainty in advanced meteo-hydrological forecast systems COST
COST732 Quality assurance and improvement of micro-scale meteorological models COST
COST735 Tools for Assessing Global Air Sea Fluxes of Climate and AirPollution Relevant COST
COST859 Phytotechnologies for sustainable land use management and food chain safety COST
COST862 Bacterial toxins for insect control COST
COST863 Euroberry Research: from genomics to sustainable production, quality and health COST
COST871 Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe COST
COST927 Thermally processed foods: possible health implications. COST
COST929 A European Network for Environmental and Food Virology COST
COTRAO Communauté de travail des Alpes Occidentales
DIVERSITAS International Programme on Biodiversity Sciences IUBS.ICSU, SCOPE.ICSU, UNESCO.UN
EASAC European Academies Science Advisory Council
EASAC-Energy EASAC-Energy Program EASAC
ecoHEALTH Biodiversity and emerging infectious diseases FutureEarth,
ECSN European Climate Support Network National Meteorological Services, EUMETNET
ECTP European Construction Technology Platform EU
EEAC European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC)
EEOS European Earth Observation System
EMF European Mountain Forum NGO
EMU European Mineralogical Union ICSU.IUGS
EPC European Paleo Climate Program ESF
EPICA European Program for Ice Coring in Antarctica
ESF European Science Foundation gouvernmental
ESG Earth System Governance FutureEarth, IHDP.ISSC, .ICSU
ESLO European Society of Limnology and Oceanography
ETP Education and Training Programme WMO.UN
ETSAP Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program IEA
EU-Energy-6thFP Energy (EU FP6) EU-FP6
EU-Transport-6thFP Transport (EU FP6) EU-FP6
EUMETNET Network of the European Meteorological Services
EUREKA European Research Coordinating Agency bilateral agreements
EuroForestiers Fédération Européenne des Communes Forestiers
EUROTRAC European Exp. on Transport and Transformation of Trace Gases in the Troposphere EUREKA
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization UN
FutureEarth Future Earth ICSU, ISSC
GAW Global Atmosphere Watch WMO.UN GCOS
GCOS Global Climate Observing System WMO.UN, IOC.UNESCO, UNEP.UN, ICSU
GCP Global Carbon Project FutureEarth, ESSP
GEC-Programme Global Environmental Change Programme UK
GECHS Global Environmental Change and Human Security IHDP.ISSC, .ICSU
GEF Global Environment Facility
GEMS Global Environmental Monitoring System UNEP.UN
GENEMIS Generation of European Emission Data for Episodes EUROTRAC.EUREKA
GEO/GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems 47 nations, the EU and 25 international organizations
GEOWARN Geospatial warning systems Nisyros volcano (Greece)
GEWEX Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC
GHP GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel GEWEX.WCRP
GLOBE-International Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment
GLORIA Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments GTOS
GLP Global Land Project FutureEarth
GMBA Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment FutureEarth
GOOS Global Ocean Observing System WCP, WMO.UN, IOC.UNESCO, UNEP.UN, ICSU
GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre GEWEX.WCRP, ..ICSU, ..IOC
GRID Global Resource Information Database UNEP.UN
GTOS Global Terrestrial Observing System FAO.UN, ICSU, UNEP.UN, UNESCO.UN, WMO.UN
GWSP Global Water System Project FutureEarth, ESSP
HCM Human Capital Mobility EU
HFSJG Int. Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat
HWRP Hydrology and Water Resources Programme WMO.UN
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IAI Inter - American Institute for Global Change Research inter-governmental
IAMAP Internat. Assoc. for Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics IUGG.ICSU
IAMAS International Assoc. of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences IUGG
IAP Interacademy Pannel on International Issues
IASC International Arctic Science Committee
ICA-CMC Commission on Mountain Cartography International Cartographic Association
ICACGP Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution IAMAS
ICALPE International Center for Alpine Environments
ICSU International Council for Science
IDEAL International Decade of East African Lakes
IDMP International Daylight Measurement Program CIE
IEA International Energy Agency
IEF International Energy Foundation NGO
IETA International Emissions Trading Association
IGAC International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project FutureEarth, IGBP.ICSU
IGCP International Geological Correlation Programme UNESCO, IUGS
IGCP-Swiss-Comm Interdisciplinary Global Challenge Programme Swiss Committee IGCP, PF-Forum
IGFA International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research Informal Partnership of funding agencies
IGU International Geographical Union ICSU, ISSC
IHDP-A Austrian Human Dimensions Program
IHOPE Integrated History of People on Earth Project FutureEarth, IHDP
IHP International Hydrological Programme UNESCO.UN
IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis National Member Organizations
ILEAPS Integrated Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Processes Study FutureEarth, IGBP
ILTER International Long Term Ecosystem Research GTOS
IMBER Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research FutureEarth, IGBP, SCOR
INTAS Int. Assoc. for research promotion with the states of the former Soviet Union EU
IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO.UN
IPBES Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services UN.UNDP, .UNESCO, .UNEP, .FAO
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change WMO.UN, UNEP.UN
IRG Integrated Risk Governance Project FutureEarth,
IRMA INTERREG Rhine-Meuse Activities EU
IRMA-SPONGE Interreg Rhine-Meuse Activity on Flood Risk IRMA.EU
ISC-LK International Seismological Commision - Swiss Section
ISCAR International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps
ISCO International Soil Conservation Organization
ISDE International Society of Doctors for the Environment non governmental organisation
ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction UN
ISSC International Social Science Council
ITASE International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition
IUBS International Union of Biological Sciences ICSU
IUFRO International Union of Forestry Research Organizations ICSU
IUGG International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy ICSU
IUGS International Union of Geological Sciences ICSU
IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics ICSU
JOIDES Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling
KLASICA Knowledge, Learning and Societal Change IHDP
LOICZ Future Earth - Coasts FutureEarth, IGBP, IHDP
LOOP Limitation of Oxidant Production EUROTRAC.EUREKA
LOTRED-South-America LOTRED SA (Regional variability/Climate reconstruction for South America) PAGES
LTER-Eisenwurzen Long-term ecological research site Eisenwurzen
LTER-Tyrolean-Alps Long-term ecological research site Tyrolean Alps
LTER-Zöbelboden Long-term monitoring and research site Zöbelboden
MAB Man and the Biosphere Programme UNESCO.UN
MAIRS Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study FutureEarth
MIREN Mountain Invasion Research Network
MOST Management of Social Transformations UNESCO.UN
Mountain-Forum The Mountain Forum
MRI Global Change and Mountain Regions - Mounain Research Initiative
NASAC Network of African Science Academies
NKGCR National Committee on Global Change Research Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
ODP Ocean Drilling Program Multilateral (USA, GB, AUS, CDN, F, D, J, CH through ESF)
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
ONC Office Nationale de la Chasse
others-.. other programs
PA-Adamello Regional Park Adamello
PA-Adamello-Brenta Nature Park Adamello Brenta
PA-Aiguilles-Rouges Nature Reserve Aiguilles Rouge
PA-Almenland Nature Park Almenland
PA-Alpe-Veglia-Devero Nature Park Alpe Veglia e Alpe Devero
PA-Alpi-Marittime Nature Park Alpi Marittime
PA-Alpilles Regional Nature Park Alpilles
PA-Alta-Valsesia Nature Park Alta Valsesia
PA-Alto-Garda-Bresciano Regional Nature Park Alto Garda Bresciano
PA-Bauges Nature Park Bauges
PA-Bessa Special Nature Reserve La Bessa
PA-Boschi-Giovetto-Palline Nature Reserve Boschi del Giovetto di Palline
PA-Buchberg Nature Park Buchberg
PA-Campo-Fiori Regional Park Campo dei Fiori
PA-Canavese Parks and Nature Reserves of Canavese
PA-Chartreuse Nature Park Chartreuse
PA-Cioclovina Cioclovina Nature Park
PA-Colli-Bergamo Nature Park Colli di Bergamo
PA-Contamines-Monjoie Nature Reserve Contamines-Montjoie
PA-Cuneesi Parks and Nature Reserves Cuneesi
PA-da-Serra-Estrela Serra Estrela Nature Park
PA-Djerdap Djerdap National Park (IUSN IV)
PA-Dobratsch Nature Park Dobratsch
PA-Dolomiti-Ampezzo Regional Nature Park Dolomiti d'Ampezzo
PA-Dolomiti-Friulane Nature Park Dolomiti Friulane
PA-Dürrenstein Nature Reserve Dürrenstein
PA-Ehrwalder-Becken Nature Park Ehrwalder Becken
PA-Eichenhain Nature Park Eichenhain
PA-Eisenwurzen Nature Park Eisenwurzen
PA-Falkenstein-Schwarzau Nature Park Falkenstein- Schwarzau im Gebirge
PA-Fanes-Sennes-Prags Nature Park Fanes-Senes-Braies
PA-Föhrenberge Nature Park Föhrenberge
PA-Geschriebenstein Nature Park Geschriebenstein
PA-Gran-Bosco-Salbertrand Nature Park Gran Bosco di Salbertrand
PA-Grands-Causses Nature Park Grands Causses
PA-Haute-Chaîne-du-Jura Protected Area Haute Chaîne du Jura
PA-Haute-Provence Geological Nature Reserve Haute-Provence
PA-Haute-Savoie Protected Area Haute-Savoie
PA-Hohe-Wand Nature Park Hohe Wand
PA-Ilgaz Ilgaz Mountain National Park
PA-Incisioni-Rupestri-Ceto-Cimbergo-Paspardo Regional Reserve Incisioni Rupestri Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo
PA-Iron-Gate Iron Gate Natural Park
PA-Island-2000-Trust Island 2000 Trust Protected Area
PA-Jingganshan Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve
PA-Kaisergebirge Nature Reserve Kaisergebirge
PA-Kakamega-forest Kakamega Forest National Reserve
PA-Kanchenjunga Kanchenjunga Conservation Area
PA-Karwendel Alpine Park Karwendel
PA-Kaunergrat Nature Park Kaunergrat
PA-Kozjanski Kozjanski Park
PA-Krajinski-Logarska-Dolina Krajinski Park Logarska Dolina
PA-Küre-Mountains Küre Mountains National Park
PA-Laghi-Avigliana Nature Park Laghi di Avigliana
PA-Lago-Candia Nature Park Lago di Candia
PA-Lago-Maggiore Parks and Nature Reserves of Lago Maggiore
PA-Landseer-Berge Nature Park Landseer Berge
PA-Lessinia Regional Nature Park Lessinia
PA-Lombardo-Ticino Regional Park Lombardo del Ticino
PA-Lubéron Regional Nature Park Lubéron
PA-Magas-Bakony Magas High Bakony Landscape Protected Area
PA-Malvern-Hills- PA Malvern Hills Conservators
PA-Mont-Avic Nature Park Mont Avic
PA-Mont-Mars Nature Reserve Mont Mars
PA-Mont-Ventoux Biosphere Reserve Mont Ventoux UNESCO
PA-Monte-Barro Nature Park Monte Barro
PA-Monte-Fenera Nature Park Monte Fenera
PA-Montevecchia-Valle-Curone Regional Park Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone
PA-Mount-Taibai Mount Taibai National Nature Reserve
PA-Mürzer-Oberland Nature Park Mürzer Oberland
PA-Nagelfluhkette Nature Park Nagelfluhkette
PA-Oetscher-Tormäuer Nature Park Oetscher-Tormäuer
PA-Oetztal Nature Park Oetztal
PA-Orobie-Bergamasche Nature Park Orobie Bergamasche
PA-Orobie-Valtellinesi Regional Park Orobie Valtellinesi
PA-Orsiera-Rocciavrè Nature Park Orsiera Rocciavrè
PA-Ossola Aree Protette dell'Ossola
PA-Palude-Brabbia Regional Reserve Palude Brabbia
PA-Paneveggio-Pale-San-Martino Nature Park Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino
PA-Pian-Gembro Nature Reserve Pian Gembro
PA-Pian-Spagna-Lago-Mezzola Nature Reserve Pian di Spagna e Lago di Mezzola
PA-Po-Cuneese Protected Area of the Po River- Section Cuneese
PA-Po-Torinese Protected Area of the Po River- Section Torinese
PA-Pöllauer-Tal Nature Park Pöllauer Tal
PA-Praded National Nature Reserve Praded
PA-Prealpi-Giulie Nature Park Prealpi Giulie
PA-Puez-Geisler Nature Park Puez-Geisler
PA-Purkersdorf-Sandstein-Wienerwald Nature Park Purkersdorf- Sandstein Wienerwald
PA-Queyras Regional Nature Park Queyras
PA-Rhône-Alpes Protected Area Rhône-Alpes
PA-Riedingtal Nature Park Riedingtal
PA-Rieserferner-Ahrn Nature Park Rieserferner Ahrn
PA-Rosengarten Nature Reserve Rosengarten
PA-Sabalan Sabalan National Natural Monument
PA-Sacro-Monte-Ghiffa Special Nature Reserve Sacro Monte della SS. Trinità di Ghiffa
PA-Sarntaler-Alpen Nature Park Sarntaler Alps
PA-Schlern Natural Park Schlern
PA-Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park Schlern Rosengarten
PA-Scottish-Natural-Heritage Scottish Natural Heritage
PA-Seebenstein Nature Park Seebenstein
PA-Serra-Malcata Serra Malcata Nature Reserve
PA-Sextner-Dolomiten Naturpark Sextner Dolomiten in den Gemeinden Toblach, Sexten und Innichen
PA-Sierningtal-Flatzer-Wand Nature Park Sierningtal-Flatzer Wand
PA-Sölktäler Nature Park Sölktäler
PA-South-Tyrol Nature Parks South Tyrol
PA-Sparbach Nature Park Sparbach
PA-Spina-Verde-Como Regional Park Spina Verde di Como
PA-Steirische-Eisenwurzen Nature Park and UNESCO Global Geopark Steirische Eisenwurzen
PA-Stubaier-Alpen Ruhegebiet Tiroler Alpen Tiroler Schutzgebiete
PA-Texelgruppe Naturpark Texelgruppe
PA-Tiroler-Lech Nature Park Tiroler Lech
PA-Torricchio Torricchio Nature Reserve
PA-Trudner-Horn Naturpark Trudner Horn
PA-Tunca-valley Tunca Valley Natural Park
PA-Untere-Marchauen Naturschutzgebiet Untere Marchauen
PA-Untersberg Nature Park Untersberg
PA-Val-Troncea Nature Park Val Troncea
PA-Valle-Pesio-Tanaro Nature Park alta Valle Pesio e Tanaro
PA-Valli-San-Antonio Regional Reserve Valli di San Antonio
PA-Vercors Regional Nature Park Vercors
PA-Verdon Regional Nature Park Verdon
PA-Vilsalpsee Nature Park Vilsalpsee
PA-Weissbach Nature Park Weissbach
PA-Weissensee Nature Park Weissensee
PA-Zillertaler-Hauptkamm Protected Area Zillertaler Hauptkamm
PA-Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen Nature Park Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen
Pacific-Institute Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security NGO
PAGES Past Global Changes FutureEarth, IGBP
PAGES-Arctic2k PAGES Arctic2k Working Group PAGES
PC-UK-Countryside-Wales Countryside Council for Wales
PC-UK-Uplands-Conservation Uplands Lead Conservation Network
PECS Program on Ecosystem Change and Society FutureEarth
PEW-Center Pew Center on Global Climate Change NGO
PN-Aggtelek Aggtelek National Park
PN-Aiguestortes Aigüestortes National Park
PN-Balaton-Uplands Balaton Uplands National Park
PN-Bayerischer-Wald National Park Bayerischer Wald
PN-Berchtesgaden National Park Berchtesgaden
PN-Brecon-Beacons Brecon Beacons National Park
PN-Bukk Bükk National Park
PN-del-Teide Teide National Park
PN-della-Majella Parco Nazionale della Majella
PN-Dolomiti-Bellunesi National Park Dolomiti Bellunesi
PN-Donau-Auen National Park Donau Auen
PN-Ecrins National Park Ecrins
PN-Ferto-Hansag Fertö Hansag National Park
PN-Gesause National Park Gesäuse
PN-Gran-Paradiso National Park Gran Paradiso
PN-Gran-Sasso Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga
PN-Gran-Sasso-Laga Parco Nazionale Gran Sasso-Laga
PN-Harz National Park Harz
PN-Hohe-Tauern National Park Hohe Tauern
PN-Kalkalpen National Park Kalkalpen
PN-Köprülü-Canyon Koprülü Canyon National Park
PN-Lake-District Lake District National Park
PN-Mala-Fatra Mala Fatra National Park
PN-Mercantour National Park Mercantour
PN-Monte-Perdido Monte Perdido National Park
PN-Mount-Nemrut Mount Nemrut National Park
PN-Muranska-planina Muranska planina National Park
PN-Neusiedler-See-Seewinkel Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel
PN-North-York-Moors North York Moors National Park
PN-Ordesa Ordesa National Park
PN-Peak-District Peak District National Park
PN-Pelister Pelister National Park
PN-Picos-de-Europa Picos de Europa National Park
PN-Pieniny Pieniny National Park
PN-Pirin Pirin National Park
PN-Rezetat Rezetat National Park
PN-Rwenzori-Mountains Rwenzori Mountains National Park
PN-Saechsische-Schweiz Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz
PN-Sagarmatha Sagarmatha National Park
PN-Simien-Mountain Simien Mountain Natioanl Park
PN-Snowdonia Snowdonia National Park
PN-Stelvio Stevio National Park
PN-Südtirol South Tyrol Natural Parks
PN-Tatra Tatra National Park
PN-Thayatal Nationalpark Thayatal
PN-Triglav National Park Triglav
PN-Tusheti Tusheti Protected Areas
PN-Una Una National Park
PN-Val-Grande National Park Val Grande
PN-Vanoise National Park Vanoise
PN-Velka-Fatra Velka Fatra National Park
PN-Vesuvio National Park Vesuvius
PONAM Polar North Atlantic Margins ESF
SCAR Scientific Commission on Antarctic Research ICSU
SCOPE Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment UNESCO.UN
SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research ICSU
SCOSTEP Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics ICSU
SOLAS Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study FutureEarth, IGBP, SCOR, WCRP, CACGP
SPARC Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC
START Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training ESSP, IGBP.ICSU, WCRP.WCP, IHDP.ISSC
START-Africa START Pan-African Committee START
START-Oceania START Oceania Regional Committee START
START-South-Asia Start Southern Asia Regional Committee START
START-Southeast-Asia START Southeast Asia Regional Committee START
START-Temp-East-Asia START Temperate East Asia Regional Committee START
STEP.SCOSTEP Solar-terrestrial Energy Programme SCOSTEP.ICSU
STRN Sustainability Transitions Research Network member driven
TCP Technical Co-operation Programme WMO.UN
THORPEX Global Atmospheric Research Program WWRP.WMO
TOR tropospheric Ozon Research EUROTRAC.EUREKA
UCS Union of Concerned Scientists – Sound Science for a Safer Future
UN United Nations
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UN
UNDP United Nations Development Programme UN
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UN
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UN
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UN
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UN
WASWC World Association of Soil and Water Conservation FAO.UN, USAID.USA, ISCO, others
WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development
WBGU German Advisory Council on Global Change gouvernmental
WCDMP World Climate Data and Monitoring Program WCP.WMO, ICSU, UNEP
WCIRP World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Program WCP.WMO, UNEP.UN, ICSU, IOC.UNESCO
WCP World Climate Program WMO.UN
WCRP World Climate Research Program WCP.WMO, ICSU, IOC.UNESCO
WCSP World Climate Services Programme WCP.WMO.UN, UNEP.UN, ICSU
WEF World Economic Forum non governmental
WegCenter Wegener Center
WGCM Working Group on Coupled Modelling CLIVAR
WGMS World Glacier Monitoring Service
WGNE Working Group on Numerical Experimentation WCRP.WCP.WMO.UN
WGRC Working Group on Regional Climate (WGRC) wcrp
WGSF Working Group on Surface Fluxes WCRP
WH-Dadia UNESCO World Heritage Dadia
WH-Dolomiti UNESCO World Heritage the Dolomites
WH-Mt-Kenya UNESCO World Heritage Mount Kenya
WH-Mt-Kilimanjaro UNESCO World Heritage Mount Kilimanjaro
WH-Skocjanske-Jame Unesco World Heritage Skocjanske Caves Park
WH-Western-Caucasus UNESCO World Heritage Western Caucasus
WH-Xinjiang-Tianshan Xinjiang Tianshan World Herigage Site
WHO World Health Organisation UN
WHYCOS World Hydrological Cycle Observing System HWRP.WMO, World-Bank
WKG Wissenschaftliches Komitee Gebirgsforschung
WMO World Meteorological Organisation UN
World-Bank World Bank
WRMC-BSRN World Radiation Monitoring Center - Baseline Surface Radiation Network GEWEX.WCRP
WWI World Watch Institute non governmental organisation
WWRP World Weather Research Programme WMO
WWW World Weather Watch Program WMO.UN

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